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Fang Yuan said Jin:3.6At the beginning of the week, gold fluctuated upward and crude oil was adjusted at a high level!

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Focus on the euro area in the future1Monthly retail sales rate, US1Monthly rate of factory orders and the United States2New York Fed Global Supply Chain Pressure Index(GSCPI)Etc., it is expected that the gold price will be biased to be favorable, so the probability of first falling and then rising today is high.

In addition, after that, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell will testify to the Congress this weekADP非农就业数据、美联储公布经济状况褐皮书、美国初请失业金人数,以及重点关注的美国非农就业数据。此外,澳洲联储、日本央行公布和加拿大央行将公布利率决议;

goldAnalysis of the latest market trend:



金价上周五大幅走强至中轨上方,短期均线持稳对其产生买盘预期,附图指标整体维持较强的看涨信号,短线偏强反弹的概率较大,但主图已出现ZZ指标见顶,因而也暗示反弹空间有限,上方关注30日均线阻力附近将看回落,下方也可关注中轨线支撑看反弹,如有跌破,继续等待触及百均日线触及再看止跌回升。上方关注1860Resistance near the US dollar, and1867Resistance near the US dollar; Follow Below1847美元附近支撑,以及1843Support near the US dollar;
Fang Yuan said Jin:3.6At the beginning of the week, gold fluctuated upward and crude oil was adjusted at a high level!543 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1717014

Operation suggestions:1845-6Nearby, stop loss1840.3, Objective1855-1862。

在宣布了雄心勃勃的减排计划后,世界最大的crude oil生产商之一英国石油公司现在正在向化石燃料领域投入更多资金。根据为主要经济体提供咨询的国际能源署(IEA)的数据,今年的石油消费量将达到创纪录水平。

由于受到俄乌冲突、美国页岩气增长放缓以及生产投资乏力的打击,全球原油的供应无法跟上。在供应紧张的背景下,需求的提振(尤其是中国重新放开后)使得高盛集团、跨国能源和商品贸易公司Vitol Group等相当多机构都预测,今年晚些时候油价将回升至每桶100USD.

Analysis of the latest market trend of crude oil;

美原油市场上周开盘在76.412位置后行情先回落给出74.805的位置后行情强势拉升,周线最高出触及到了79.768After the position was sorted out, the weekly line finally closed at79.737的位置后行情以一根下影线很长的大阳线收线,而这样的形态收尾后,本周行情延续多,点位上,今日的行情78.3Multiple stop loss77.8, look at the goal79.8and80.5-81。

In addition to investing, life also includes poetry and distance. The article lacks too much fancy language and chicken soup. I believe that what every reader lacks is not chicken soup, but practical analysis and strong theory. I am Teacher Fang Yuan. If there are orders in the warehouse or there are serious losses in the near future, you can add Fang Yuan [official WeChat:fysj87,Official account: Fang Yuanshuijin] For help, I will take the time to give you some suggestions for reference. I hope this article can give you some help in your transaction. Finally, I wish you a happy transaction.

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