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Fang Yuan:4.28Gold rebound continues to be empty, crude oil weakness continues, and today's market trend...

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Fundamentally speaking, the overnight US jobless claims data performed well, butGDP以及消费数据表现疲软,表明目前美国经济衰退的风险,从而对美联储是否加息再度产生一定的不确定性,从美元指数的表现来看,冲高回落的走势,短期来看市场对于美联储加息的预期并不强烈,近期的一些美国经济数据将会备受关注,下周五非农成了焦点。



日内将重点关注:美国3Monthly CorePCEAnnual rate of price index/Monthly rate, USA4月密歇根大学消费者信心指数终值、以及美国3月个人支出月率、美国第一季度劳工成本指数季率等。

Analysis of gold market trend:

黄金昨日拉锯震荡,日线收盘十字星KLine, maintain the expected back and forth sawing within the previous interval, with resistance at the upper rail position2000-2010,Support at the lower rail1976-1972In the short term, it did not break through the range and remained within the range. Today's weekly closing may further exacerbate the back and forth fluctuations in this range. In the stage of accumulating momentum to break through, the most important thing is to wash the plate. The short-term uncertainty of the US dollar also makes it difficult for gold to temporarily move out of one direction. In terms of operation, it is better to first observe the oscillation within the range, and then adjust the thinking after breaking through the level.



技术面上来日线昨日收了一根阳线十字星,布林带缩口,价格即将选择新的方向,KDJ指标欲形成金叉,大体上来看价格仍偏上行。4小时图中来看布林带即将开口,KDJ指标拐角欲形成金叉,短线价格箱体内运行,待KDJ指标形成金叉后价格开始上行。小时图来看布林带开口,KDJ指标欲形成死叉。日内上方关注1993Resistance near the US dollar, and2000美元附近阻力,下方关注1981美元附近支撑,以及1972Support around the US dollar.
Fang Yuan:4.28Gold rebound continues to be empty, crude oil weakness continues, and today's market trend...433 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1720741

Golden Operation Strategy:1995附近空,2000补仓,止损2005, Objective1985-1976。 (For reference only, specific firm offer shall prevail)

4month26日周三,WTI 6monthcrude oilfuturesClosing down2.77USD, decline3.59%Report74.30dollar/Bucket.4month2Day, i.eOPEC+做出减产决定后的第二天,布伦特原油期货价格飙升8%To each barrel86美元。美国总统拜登政府表示此举是不明智的,国际能源署(IEA)警告说,这将加剧消费者的通胀痛苦并危及全球经济。

However, in theOPEC+采取行动后的三周内,石油市场需求逐步恶化,过去几周不断恶化的炼油利润让公司考虑降低加工率。与此同时,由于对美国经济衰退的担忧挥之不去,加息使美元走强并削弱了大宗商品等风险资产的吸引力,投资者情绪已经恶化。

Analysis of crude oil market trend:

原油昨日小阳星KLine rebound consolidation correction, with limited space for movement. After the second wave of decline, there was a slight slowdown in some areas, and the daily trend remained bearishKLine to small positive correction, solidKThe line is not large and belongs to a weak correction. The future will still rely on it79.0Taking a defensive position to further observe the downward trend, local rebounds are also aimed at accumulating momentum to break through and lower. Today's weekly closing, the short term may have twists and turns, and the resistance point above is still there76.0-76.20。


Operation suggestions:75.6-7Near empty, stop loss76.4, Objective74.5-73.8(For reference only, specific firm offer shall prevail)

Fang Yuan:4.28Gold rebound continues to be empty, crude oil weakness continues, and today's market trend...26 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1720741 Fang Yuan:4.28Gold rebound continues to be empty, crude oil weakness continues, and today's market trend...457 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1720741

In addition to investing, life also includes poetry and distance. The article lacks too much fancy language and chicken soup. I believe that what every reader lacks is not chicken soup, but practical analysis and strong theory. I am Teacher Fang Yuan. If there are orders in the warehouse or there are serious losses in the near future, you can add Fang Yuan [official WeChat account]:fy1987668,Official account: Fang Yuanshuijin] For help, I will take the time to give you some suggestions for reference. I hope this article can give you some help in your transaction. Finally, I wish you a happy transaction.

Fang Yuan:4.28Gold rebound continues to be empty, crude oil weakness continues, and today's market trend...721 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1720741
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