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Fang Yuan said Jin:3.7gold1855Pressure is empty, crude oil continues to look strong!

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Basically, last Friday, Federal Reserve officials expressed their concerns about the current market situation, and the overall performance of the dove view led to a wave of adjustment in the US dollar index. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell will give testimony to the Congress, and on Friday, the United States2Non-agricultural data in September, these two news will affect the interest rate policy of the Federal Reserve again, so the current market is a relatively wait-and-see attitude, waiting for the market news to be released and digested, and the short-term dollar index will continue to reorganize repeatedly.

goldAnalysis of the latest market trend:

黄金连续反弹之后,在周一冲高回落,短线走势回调修正,周二再次冲高回落,显示上方短期卖压有所加强。目前金价在日线5Daily moving average1844美元上方企稳,另外布林带中轨在1841美元附近提供短期支撑,10日均线支撑运行至1832USD.5The daily moving average crosses upwards,MACD指标零轴下方金叉线上,多方仍有机会,不过RSIAndKDJ指标金叉向下拐头,说明短期价格依旧偏向调整。


下方支撑关注1844USD to1841美元区域,失守这里可能试探1832美元支撑,上方压力集中在1860美元附近,突破这里将打开上涨空间。

Operation suggestions:1849-50Near empty, stop loss1856, Objective1835-30(For reference only, real-time market guidance during trading)
Fang Yuan said Jin:3.7gold1855Pressure is empty, crude oil continues to look strong!853 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1717056

crude oilAnalysis of the latest market trends;

Currently, crude oil continues to fluctuate in a wide range on the daily trend, and is currently on the daily trendKThe line basically follows the short-term moving average and fluctuates upwards, with a sustained strong short-term trend. After the previous wave of upward trend in the hourly levelK线暂时维持在高位的窄幅震荡中,在连续高位窄幅震荡之后技术形态有开始小幅调整的迹象在短线走势上可能还有一定的上行空间。

Operation suggestions:

1,81.5-6Near empty, stop loss82.3, Objective80.5-80

2,79.6-7Nearby, stop loss79, Objective80.6-81.6(For reference only, real-time market guidance during trading)

In addition to investing, life also includes poetry and distance. The article lacks too much fancy language and chicken soup. I believe that what every reader lacks is not chicken soup, but practical analysis and strong theory. I am Teacher Fang Yuan. If there are orders in the warehouse or there are serious losses in the near future, you can add Fang Yuan [official WeChat:fysj87,Official account: Fang Yuanshuijin] For help, I will take the time to give you some suggestions for reference. I hope this article can give you some help in your transaction. Finally, I wish you a happy transaction.

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