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Qi Xinyun:8.5黄金能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!

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Qi Xinyun:8.5gold能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!
Qi Xinyun:8.5黄金能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!732 / author:Qi Xinyun / PostsID:1446495

  Gold market analysis:

  周五黄金亚盘延续涨势,黄金价格最高点到达1448.98后位于1449-1430区间震荡。欧盘高点位于1442一线。美盘时间20:30分美国7月季调非农就业人口数据显示公布值为16.4符合市场预期,美国7月失业率率值不变,非农数据公布,显示影响较小。数据公布后行情波动明显,下跌至1432一线后迅速反弹至1442一线后开始震荡。晚间22:00U.S.A6月工厂订单月率公布值为0.6%, USA7月密歇根大学消费者信心指数终值为98.4,均是利多黄金,金价借助消息面的刺激开始上扬,重回1448关口附近后行情进行反转,开始短暂下调,休市时金价位于1440.03One line of US dollars.
Qi Xinyun:8.5黄金能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!788 / author:Qi Xinyun / PostsID:1446495


  黄金技术面短线4小时来分析,当前K线位于中上轨之间运行之中,KDJ指标三线向下,MACD红色动能柱开始缩量,快慢线向前延伸还未出现交叉下跌趋势,布林带开口,黄金价格将会有较大波动空间。均线向上交叉形金叉,低点不断升高。从短线1小时来看,短期均线已然拐头向下有形成死叉趋势。在美盘即将结束时,1448frontlineK线形成倒锤线和十字星反转形态,且金价随后回落至1440一线休市。周五冲高后回落,操作上鑫韵建议重点关注黄金价格能否再次突破1442一线,重点关注上方1448-1450Frontline suppression, following below1432-1430一线支撑,以高空为辅,回调做多为主!信号/qxy3356

  Suggestions for Gold Operations:
  1.Bounce to1448-1450Short selling nearby, loss1454, look at the goal1440-1438frontline!
  2.Fallback to1430-1432Going long nearby, losing1426, look at the goal1440-1442frontline!
Reminder: The above analysis only represents the author's personal opinion and does not constitute specific operations. Based on this, profit and loss are at one's own risk, and investment carries risks. Therefore, caution should be exercised when entering the market. The article notification may have some lag, please understand. More real-time operation suggestions will be provided by Xinyun in the actual offer
Qi Xinyun:8.5黄金能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!380 / author:Qi Xinyun / PostsID:1446495


  有太多的投资者都是满怀着赚钱的梦想进入这个市场的,他们都想让自己的资金从5万变成1010000 yuan20万,想让自己的资金像滚雪球一样,越滚越大。可是真正的进入这个市场后,才发现是自己的亏损越滚越大。为什么会是这样的情况?那是因为他们都犯了一个常人都会犯的的错误,就是“贪婪”二字。在用一层仓赚到钱后,你会开始算5层仓甚至满仓后会赚多少。于是在操作中不断的加大仓位,当单子方向做反后,誓必要拿回利润才肯平仓。这样的操作,想不亏钱都难,又何谈赚钱二字?齐老师信qxy叁叁伍陆 
Qi Xinyun:8.5黄金能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!482 / author:Qi Xinyun / PostsID:1446495

Qi Xinyun:8.5黄金能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!243 / author:Qi Xinyun / PostsID:1446495


Always remember a sentence: The market changes every day, don't be impatient or impatient, take it step by step, don't rush to place an order without it coming out. In the Spot market, there is no unprofitable investment. If there is no unprofitable investment, it is impossible for so many people to invest in this market every day. It just depends on who you're following to make money with. Believe it, I'll take you to make money, but if you don't believe it, I'll show you how to make money! Life gives you pressure, and you repay its miracles; Life gives you tests, you give it back to experience. Nothing can challenge oneself, as long as you are willing to persist and give, success will favor you.

Editor in charge: Qi Xinyun\(Official WeChat:qxy3356)
Qi Xinyun:8.5黄金能否延续涨势再度破位呢?黄金行情分析及策略!606 / author:Qi Xinyun / PostsID:1446495

Author's suggestion: Technology is the foundation of survival, and teaching people to fish is not as good as teaching them to fish. The true charm of investment is to be small and broad, and holding onto a certain profit is the foundation of financial management!

Writing time:2019.8.5
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