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Zhou Hongjin:8.5周一现货黄金开盘行情走势,美原油周一开盘操作建议

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Message interpretation:

goldTrend analysis:
  日线图MACD死叉信号仍在,KDJ金叉,后市走势变数仍存一些变数,短线建议关注1430.62-1452.89区域突破情况,1430.62by5日均线支撑,而1452.89是近六年高点阻力所在。若上破1452.89附近阻力,则金价有望进一步涨向2013year5month3Daily high point1488.16附近阻力。而若下破1430.62附近支撑,则金价仍可能维持高位震荡走弱,进一步支撑在10Daily moving average1425.60Nearby and20Daily moving average1420.03Nearby. Short line4hourK线形态和布林线轨道出现“喇叭张口”形态,后市走势变数较大;目前金价受到布林线上轨压制,关注3268735920The price of gold is1430.45重要支撑位处获得支撑,该位置既是整数关口,也是短线涨势的38.2%回撤位,也是美联储利率决议后鲍威尔讲话前的高点所在。短线留意1430.45-1448.4区域突破情况;综合来看综合来看,下周一操作思路上周鸿金个人建议高沽低渣即可;
Focus on resistance above:1448.4;1453.09;
Pay attention to support below:1438.15;1430.45;

Suggestions for Gold Operations:
  1Callback1430Do not break long, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1442-1444;
  2Rebound1448Stop loss without breaking short4US dollars, look at the target1440-1438;
  盘间行情实时变化具体操作策略以周鸿金指导实盘为准,添加薇-Core:zh66646Get real-time strategies and free solutions.
 crude oilTrend analysis:
  刚刚过去的一周,国际油价本周收跌,创6Since mid month, oil prices have hit a new low due to US President Trump's threat to impose tariffs on more Chinese imports8month1The daily record has hit its largest single day decline in years and is breaking new ground6Low since mid month. Prior to this, crude oilfuturesPreviously, due to Iran lowering its nuclear commitments, Saudi Arabia7The daily crude oil production continued to decline and US inventories steadily decreased, resulting in a fragile upward trend.
  技术面来看,继续关注54.72-57.64区域突破情况,前者是7month18日低点且接近布林线下轨支撑,后者是7month24日高点且接近布林线中轨阻力;KDJGolden fork operation,MACD死叉减弱,若能顶破布林线中轨57.74附近阻力,则增加短线看涨信号;进一步阻力在7month17Daily high point58.36Nearby,100Daily moving average resistance59.24附近。关注3268735920若意外下破布林线下轨54.76附近支撑,则增加短线看空信号;进一步支撑在6month19Daily low point53.50Nearby,6month17The daily high is supported by52.74附近,然后较强的支撑在6month5Daily low point50.60Near.5Daily moving average56.44附近也存在一些支撑。综合来看,下周一操作思路上周鸿金个人建议反弹高空为主,回调做多为辅;
Focus on resistance above:56.05;56.38;56.96;
Pay attention to support below:55.09;54.24;53.59;

Recommendations for crude oil operations
  1Rebound56.0Stop loss without breaking short0.5US dollars, look at the target54.2-54.4;
  2Callback53.6Do not break long, stop loss0.5US dollars, look at the target55.0-55.2;
  盘间行情实时变化具体操作策略以周鸿金指导实盘为准,添加薇-Core:zh66646Get real-time strategies and free solutions.
  1Special reminder: Investors need to recognize that for ordinary investors, most of the time they should focus on watching and waiting patiently for the best opportunity to sell, and avoiding frequent trading is one of the recognized winning secrets. Do not attempt to seize all fluctuations, nor expect to grasp every segment of the market. Judging the market situation is only a part of trading. Investors also need to have a reverence for the market, remember trading discipline, and strictly control their positions to reduce greed, overcome fear, and try to maintain a calm mind when trading.
  2Disclaimer: The above analysis only represents the author's personal opinion and does not constitute specific operations. The article has a lag effect, and based on this, profit and loss are the responsibility of the author. Investment is risky, and caution should be exercised when entering the market.
  3Experience benefits: For investment friends who are interested in consulting and cooperating, it is convenient for mutual trust in future cooperation and can be experienced with screenshots of actual positions3Tian Shou Dan, you can choose whether to cooperate based on your earnings in the future! I believe this welfare is a good turning point opportunity for friends who have suffered long-term losses in the market and investors who have lost confidence. Whether you seize the opportunity depends on your choice.
There is a saying in the capital market: "Patience is an investment, and patience is the prerequisite for success." The courage and strategy of spot investment are necessary, and patience cannot be lacking! Spot trading must cultivate good endurance, which is often the key to investment success or failure. Many investors do not lack analytical skills or investment experience, but rather a high level of patience. Buying or selling too early can lead to pointless waste of time and loss of money.
Investing in spot goods requires patience, seeking market opportunities requires waiting, and patience is needed; Holding a position is a process that requires investment of time, and therefore requires a high degree of patience, vision, and foresight. Do not be restless due to fluctuations in prices.
  周鸿金分析团队全方位指导时间:早7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00(Every day18小时实时免费指导)
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