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Zhiyuan Legal Aid Penguin3205792419  authorityyouhugmedLa


 近期有朋友问我, saydoof恒瑞期貨账户资金出不来金。我问他你是怎么接触恒瑞期貨的。他说本来玩的是股票但是玩的不好就经常去网站上找分析师啊,各个学习股票知识的网站然后其中一个网站客服打电话过来说是课程顾问,你在我们网站上学习有什么问题是可以辅导您学习的,您有什么不懂得都是可以问的。,她每天都发消息问我学习的怎么样啊,而且我不懂的,也经常问,她们也是很耐心的回答。给我一种感觉是VIP服务了。过几天她说她们官网有一套新的课程,讲怎么选股,怎么看买卖点的,而且还会有老师分享股票,说只需要2000block当时买了这个课程跟着小赚了一笔。
过了一段时间,他们就不推股票了,开始推futuresmarket,她们当时有一个群,群里面有很多人说炒恒瑞期貨赚钱快,而且老师还给我们操作建议,就这样我就投资了10W进去,就这一次,没想到It's a loss8ten thousand剩下的还出不来金,着急的我,一直问客服,客服也没有给我一个具体的说法,这种是新出现的套路。请广大投资者都注意下。
现在,江湖冒出很多高大上的foreign exchange资管机构,用新奇的概念,渲染操盘业绩多么的神奇,风控多么的有力,那么,就让致远法援为你揭露他们华丽糖衣包裹的毒药。
1Experience of team members in packaging foreign exchange asset management.
Founders and core members are often packaged as trading heroes or financial elites who have returned from overseas studies. The grassroots faction launched a heavy attack and became famous in the first battle. The elite camp trained on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank, managing several billion dollar funds. Packaging that is a bit upscale may even show up on non mainstream TV programs. A large photo is posted in the trading room, dressed in a uniform of suits and leather shoes, resembling a team of antique enthusiasts. A master of love for learning and success, with a sharp eye and a determined expression, suggesting that the success of trading is unstoppable!
2Packaging firm account or programmingEAHistorical performance.
Many analysts and even teachers in stock conversion live streaming rooms have achieved surprisingly good historical performance. Prone to aging60%reach100%Small pullback and small fluctuation. The profit screenshots or achievements are dazzling!Little did they know that many of these can simulate or even pirate changesMT4Data, in the eyes of insiders, is just a handful of happy beans!
3Packaging trading strategy, simply speaking up a strategy to perfection, cannot justify itself.
The packaging trading strategy team usually requires customers to open their accounts on a platform they have privately built. In fact, it is a small black platform built by the black asset management party itself. The customer's deposit has become the platform's revenue and operating capital. There is no regulation, no transactions, only fictitious cash flow and rigid redemption that constantly supplement behind the bustling performance and strategy. Use the money of the later investors to fill in the funds and interest invested by the former investors. On this basis, a series of financial concepts can be fabricated, such as foreign exchange structured products, hedge funds returning from Wall Street, and a stable profit and loss triangle arbitrage system.

How to distinguish between legitimate platforms and unregulated black platforms?
1Compliant foreign exchange platform
Regulated traders, whose clients trade orders directly into banks and markets, provide channels for banks and traders, and can only make profits in the foreign exchange market through technical analysis. Currently, the major globalForeign exchange transactionsBusiness is regulated by four major regulatory agencies:1.UK Financial Services Regulatory Authority(FSA),2.Commodity Futures Trading Commission of the United States(CFTC),3.National Futures Association(NFA),4.Australian Securities and Investments Commission(ASIC)As long as dealers are normally regulated, regardless of which country or region they are, once they are complained about, the regulatory authorities will accept it. Moreover, every investor's trading order is the corresponding bank order of the dealer, and there will be no false transactions.
2Non compliant foreign exchange platforms
Small platforms that are not regulated by regulatory agencies or falsely named regulatory agencies. Investors only engage in hedging with traders, which is known as insider trading. The money lost by investors flows into the traders' funds pool, and their purpose is to put the money in your pocket into their own, without being responsible for the investors' funds.
What evidence is needed to recover losses, how to recover funds, and what conditions need to be met?
1Exceeding the loss limit3More than RMB 10000.
2The transaction record is within one year.
3There are transaction reports or bank statements.
4The platform is still operating without running away.
5It is best to have chat records with platform salespeople and single calling teachers.
Legally pursuing losses emphasizes timeliness. If you contact Zhiyuan Legal Aid earlier, the likelihood of the platform running away will be reduced!
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