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Zhiyuan Legal Aid Penguin3205792419  authorityyouhugmedLa


  有些业务员会通过微信添加你的好友,头像一定是一个美女,朋友圈里充斥着各种炫富的图片。让你在第一印象就认为她是一个白富美,每天没事的时候就跟你聊着天,突然有一天不理你了。你去主动找她还是不理你,过了几个小时会跟你说刚才有事,炒foreign exchange赚钱了,然后经常就会这样不理你,你忍不住肯定会跟她聊外汇赚钱的事情,她就会跟你说跟着我做吧,保证你能赚钱,赚钱了一块出去旅游。你想着财色双收肯定不会拒绝她。其实你连她是男是女是老是少都不知道,最后会亏得血本无归。

  有些业务员知道你炒股票就会通过打电话给你推荐股票群,他们会说每天群里都会免费的推荐股票给你。你想着没什么坏处就加了进去。炒股票的时间他们会一直讨论着股票,可是股票结束了他们就开始换个老师给你讲外汇了,讲的比股票还详细,让你产生兴趣。而且群里还有他们的人帮着衬托说炒外汇多么的好很容易赚钱。过几天他们就会联系你问你最近股票做的怎么样,最近行情不太好跟不跟他们炒外汇。外汇24Hourly trading andT+0Trading is very convenient, and the global market is transparent and fair. You think many people in the group who talk very well every day are making money with them, so they must have followed them. The result is the same. If they are trading frequently for the sake of your transaction score, they will praise their own strength and ask you to add funds. If they are losing, they will say that the market is not good. If they are trying to eat into your losses, they will be even more direct. They will directly let you operate a heavy position. At the beginning, they may make you earn some money and then ask you to add funds. Later, they will tell you that the recent market is good and ask you to add funds, They will call for orders in the opposite direction of your heavy position operation, and a wave of market trends will leave you with nothing to lose.




  1.Teacher one-on-one guidance: The teacher will guide you one-on-one every day to operate, allowing you to buy and sell as soon as you buy

  2.Teacher's live broadcast guidance: They will package a very authoritative teacher and talk about ambiguous market trends in the live broadcast room every day. Then, some people will say that what the teacher said is true and they have made money again. In fact, many of them are internal personnel, and only a few are truly profitable customers.




Analysis of several reasons for financial market losses:
1、 Superstitious authority
In addition to impersonating investment experts and high-precision analysts, claiming to be able to lead you to speculate and follow him to make money. Scammers set traps by exploiting the psychology of ordinary people who lack independent thinking ability, blindly believe in authority, and worship successful figures. If there is no god, then create a "god";If there is no idol, then package it as an "idol". Generally, a so-called investment expert and analyst are all a team, and there is a group of people behind them who cooperate with him. In fact, both the exquisite packaging of the website and the sales language are carefully designed.
Faced with such scams, Huiyou should have subconscious doubts. If scammers can make money like that and don't enjoy themselves every day, why would they even tell you the secret to making money?
2、 Dengken effect
When cheating, if a high amount of money is demanded at once, it will make many people hesitate. If you first ask the other party to deposit a smaller amount of money and earn a little money, then encourage the other party to deposit a higher amount, then you can trap the "prey".
Step by step, scammers scam victims into receiving larger amounts of money. In fact, scammers utilize the famous threshold effect in psychology: in general, people are unwilling to accept higher and more difficult requirements, but on the contrary, they are willing to accept smaller and easier to complete requirements. After achieving smaller requirements, people gradually accept larger ones.
3、 Lure with profit
The lure of profit is often the core of a scam. The lure of profit is often the core of a scam.
Although people understand the principle that "pie never falls from the sky", when scammers throw bait in front of them, some people are still confused by the "pie", so the scam of using profit to lure is the most "market".
On one hand, so-called professional analysts brainwash you, while on the other hand, they send you some fake profit screenshots, claiming to follow the amount of money earned, and analyzing multiple professions and specialties. If people envy the scammers for their performances, then their scams can be said to have been mostly successful. Perhaps some people wouldn't think they would be so unlucky, but they should always have a sense of prevention when encountering such a situation, otherwise they will regret it when they truly encounter it!
The investment traps and black platforms in the foreign exchange market are everywhere, and even the smartest people will suffer greatly. If there are friends who have suffered losses due to non-compliance of the platform or malicious orders from teachers, do not panic and calmly collect them.To deceive evidence, we will provide you with the most professional advice and assistance!The Zhiyuan legal aid team is currently focused ongoldThe foreign exchange market has rich experience in rights protection. The Zhiyuan legal aid team, who has been working in the gold and foreign exchange market for eight years, has witnessed the ups and downs of the market. It is only by being familiar with the laws of the market that there is a better and more professional foundation for rights protection. Many friends who find Zhiyuan legal aid always have doubts about what to do if they lose money in foreign exchange rights protection?Which foreign exchange platforms are legal?I have been able to give a satisfactory answer!Whether it's identifying the platform or seeking to recover funds for losses, you can contact Zhiyuan Legal Aid!

1Experience of team members in packaging foreign exchange asset management.
Founders and core members are often packaged as trading heroes or financial elites who have returned from overseas studies. The grassroots faction launched a heavy attack and became famous in the first battle. The elite camp trained on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank, managing several billion dollar funds. Packaging that is a bit upscale may even show up on non mainstream TV programs. A large photo is posted in the trading room, dressed in a uniform of suits and leather shoes, resembling a team of antique enthusiasts. A master of love for learning and success, with a sharp eye and a determined expression, suggesting that the success of trading is unstoppable!
2Packaging firm account or programmingEAHistorical performance.
Many analysts and even teachers in stock conversion live streaming rooms have achieved surprisingly good historical performance. Prone to aging60%reach100%Small pullback and small fluctuation. The profit screenshots or achievements are dazzling!Little did they know that many of these can simulate or even pirate changesMT4Data, in the eyes of insiders, is just a handful of happy beans!
3Packaging trading strategy, simply speaking up a strategy to perfection, cannot justify itself.
The packaging trading strategy team usually requires customers to open their accounts on a platform they have privately built. In fact, it is a small black platform built by the black asset management party itself. The customer's deposit has become the platform's revenue and operating capital. There is no regulation, no transactions, only fictitious cash flow and rigid redemption that constantly supplement behind the bustling performance and strategy. Use the money of the later investors to fill in the funds and interest invested by the former investors. On this basis, a series of financial concepts can be fabricated, such as foreign exchange structured products, hedge funds returning from Wall Street, and a stable profit and loss triangle arbitrage system.
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