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Consultationv:18971609587   Penguins:3100752496
  随着国民生活质量的提高,金融foreign exchange越来越成为投资者的首选,由于现在各大黑平台泛滥导致投资者资金亏损严重!Many investors have the same question: why is this?at presentgold外汇骗局越来越多,花样更是层出不穷。飓风法援近段时间接触到了很多非法黑平台和喊单老师进行连环诈骗的案件,他们通过各种“高收益”、“稳赚不赔”、“零风险”的诱惑,一步一步将投资者给套进去。或是通过直播间指导操作吸引投资者或者打电话、股转微信群和老师喊单等各种渠道诱导投资者在虚假黑平台进行投资,先让投资者盈利赚到甜头,再通过恶意操作将投资者的本金全部亏完,以此来骗走投资者的资金。多年积攒的血汗钱就这样被这些不法份子骗进他们自己的口袋。
  本人是今年3month1I was pulled into a stock group by a stock enthusiast, and the group leader Lao Jia would push stocks every day. At first, Lao Jia would post stocks on his friend circle every morning and evening. I also paid attention to his stocks every day and felt that they were good. A few days later, he decided to rebuild the group and said it would be convenient for everyone to exchange stocks!Then I distribute morning tickets in the group every morning. In the evening, he gave a lecture in the live broadcast room of the financial channel and invited "Lao Niu" and "Wen Nan" to give us a lecture. At that time, he had been buying stocks with him, and I felt that the lecture was quite reliable, so I gradually trusted him.
About to3月中,老甲说股市不好做,他说现在是做futures(金惠配资)的最好时间,经济不好,就做空,而且可以当天买卖,钱也来得快,几天就可以翻倍,还把他自己的帐户截图给我们看,在利润的诱惑下,我们都开通了所谓的帐户(过程是联系他推荐的这个开~Customer service. stay3month19Daily deposit30w,入金当天就听“老甲”喊单买了10手,赚了大概3万多人民币,赚钱了胆子也大了,晚上讲课的老师向先生叫上我和我的另一个朋友一起做空,并叫我们买了半仓20手,当时整晚一直都是多,他不但不叫我们止损,还叫我们再买20手多做对冲,最后还叫我先平仓多,最后坚持不住了我自己止损了,当晚就亏损20RMB 10000.
  1Fictitious trading platform using simulated trading software. Fraud gangs often fabricate a towering company and send investors a simulated trading software that they control. They set their own market and price trends for bulk commodities in the software and then speculate with investors. If you buy up, he will buy down, causing you to lose money. This fictional platform approach is no longer commonly used with the national public disclosure of enterprise information, and fake platforms are easy for investors to verify.
  2Freeze customer accounts and delay transactions. When investors place orders, operations may be delayed, and there may be delays in opening and closing positions, which prevents them from entering the optimal position and preventing them from selling normally after buying.Financial investment opportunities are fleeting, and the delay of these few seconds is crucial for profitability!
  3Forcefully closing positions when customers make profits. As the saying goes, to avoid your losses. Because the trading software has backend control, when investors make profits, they are forced to close their positions. Investors often open their accounts online.Households without a contract or company name or address are often forced to close their positions, unable to do anything and unable to seek legal action
  4Set up a virtual account on the trading platform, use the virtual account to make orders, and send the profit order records to investors to entice them to operate!
  5、 Performing "sliding point" operations on black platforms and on legitimate platforms There will be slight differences! (Generally, black platforms will say that the general trend is similar and will not have any impact)In practical operation, it will cause changes in your purchase price and the price of your warehouse, which will have a certain impact on your earnings!
  1Experience of team members in packaging foreign exchange asset management.
Founders and core members are often packaged as trading heroes or financial elites who have returned from overseas studies. The grassroots faction launched a heavy attack and became famous in the first battle. The elite camp trained on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank, managing several billion dollar funds. Packaging that is a bit upscale may even show up on non mainstream TV programs. A large photo is posted in the trading room, dressed in a uniform of suits and leather shoes, resembling a team of antique enthusiasts. A master of love for learning and success, with a sharp eye and a determined expression, suggesting that the success of trading is unstoppable!
  2Packaging firm account or programmingEAHistorical performance.
Many analysts and even teachers in stock conversion live streaming rooms have achieved surprisingly good historical performance. Prone to aging60%reach100%Small pullback and small fluctuation. The profit screenshots or achievements are dazzling!Little did they know that many of these can simulate or even pirate changesMT4Data, in the eyes of insiders, is just a handful of happy beans!
  3Packaging trading strategy, simply speaking up a strategy to perfection, cannot justify itself.
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