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Article Summary:EQR龙腾渊,陈信老师带单亏损怎么办?打新中签后资金被冻结是被骗了吗?EQR无法出金怎么办?直播间老师带我炒数字货币被骗怎么办?炒现货gold、现货白银、foreign exchange货币对(美元、英镑、澳元、日元等)、现货crude oilIndex Contract (Xinhua FTSE)a50Shanghai and Shenzhen300Constant indexHSIDezhiDAX30)、加密币(比特币、莱特币、泰达币等)亏损被骗资金如何维权?

EQR打新AVC币延迟上市真实原因揭秘,亏损资金皆可追回!850 / author:Tengda Legal Aid / PostsID:1391038

  带单老师:龙腾渊  陈信

Operating platform:EQRDigital assets


This year2月底我被一个陌生人拉进一个股票群,里面有老师分析股票开直播间讲课,我有空了就听听课,分析的还比较准,在这个过程中还小赚一点,一段时间后,后来老师宣称最近股票行情不好,说现在数字资产很火,比较好做,比较简单,可以自己直接入金购币,购完币还可以币币交易,看哪个能涨买那个。还晒盈利的截图,群里很多人也跟着说要开户一起做。后来我没抵挡住诱惑,我也抱着试试看的心情开了户,3month8Day onEQR数字资产交易所开户,一个叫龙腾渊的老师加了我,说带我做单,给我指导。

  因为我对币圈这一块一点儿都不了解,就想着跟着老师一起做单应该能赚钱,老师一直跟我说,资金越大风险越小,让我加大资金,然后鬼使神差的我在3month9Daily deposit50万人民币,3month10日又入金80万人民币,差不多亏完之后又在3month25Daily deposit30万人民币,一共入金160RMB 10000.



EQR打新AVC币延迟上市真实原因揭秘,亏损资金皆可追回!536 / author:Tengda Legal Aid / PostsID:1391038
Sincere warning to investors on how to protect their rights after being deceived:
1: After being scammed, don't immediately go to them to argue, because if you do, they will immediately delete you and kick you out of the group chat. You should immediately stay calm, continue to lurk, and see if your funds can still be used, Withdraw the funds that can be withdrawn in batches.

2: Collect evidence of company entities. Ask them to provide you with company name, branch office, address, office space, and other information. by To avoid arousing their suspicion, you can ask them for a new investor's identity.

3: Collect news reports, expert opinions, court acceptance evidence, and information on netizens' rights protection about similar trading platforms being scammed.

4: Sort out your own experience of being deceived, find and save your deposit records, bank transfer records, and teacher's record of taking notes

5: Ask them if they have any other investment groups, try to come up with various reasons to join their investment group.

6: Integrate the investors in these groupsQ.Q.Number and link.Save a screenshot of the system method.

EQR打新AVC币延迟上市真实原因揭秘,亏损资金皆可追回!816 / author:Tengda Legal Aid / PostsID:1391038
——Why are we professional in safeguarding our rights? Tengda Weiquan(V:xzh1103168)Team engagement3Over the years of professional rights protection, the team is supported by qualifications such as financial team members from authoritative law firms, operation licenses, lawyer qualification certificates, and formal and legal contracts. We have dealt with thousands of black platforms and have a clear understanding of any nature and type of platform compensation mechanism and its operating mode and other corrupt activities. We handle hundreds of cases every month, and the successful recovery rate that meets our rights protection conditions is85%above; The recovery rate of platforms that do not meet the conditions is45%—70%The recovery rate for serious non compliant cases such as ordering agents running away is20%—30%Over the years, the team has received constant praise. Although we are not law enforcers, we firmly adhere to this defense line and prevent more people from earning nothing from their hard work and retirement money.Quan, we are serious! Penguins:844536881 VX:xzh1103168
EQR打新AVC币延迟上市真实原因揭秘,亏损资金皆可追回!508 / author:Tengda Legal Aid / PostsID:1391038
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