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通道配资是不正规平台!Revealing the truth of the heavy losses in the scam!!

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追回免费咨询QQ1017362028  VX:2430339670

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通道配资是不正规平台!Revealing the truth of the heavy losses in the scam!!873 / author:Wang Qianying / PostsID:1391024

preface:foreign exchange市场亏损被骗怎么维权?万荣国际是合法合规吗?
investmentA50亏损了怎么办?深陷外汇骗局而不知,你的亏损都是市场原因?亏损的钱能追回吗?老师恶意喊单怎么挽回损失?In Black.flat.台操作资金亏损怎么追回?炒A50被骗?炒沪深300指数真的能赚钱?炒比特币亏损被骗怎么办咨询:(
QQ1017362028  VX:2430339670




Exposure platform:
Channel funding allocation
Operation type:A50

Teacher Shouting:陈赫

  之前加了一个群,主要是给大家分析股市行情,在一个直播间里讲股票知识以及带大家炒股。讲课老师叫陈赫。后来,他们说马上要到二浪回调,让我们把账户清仓,跟着他们另外在一个叫“万荣国际”的平台开户,讲这个比那个要好做的多,还在课堂演示他们如何轻松挣钱,还说让我们在万荣国际里面,投资A50Making tens of thousands of yuan a day is a good market now. Let's start by making a big profit and quickly accumulate funds in operation.



  通道配资是不正规平台!Revealing the truth of the heavy losses in the scam!!164 / author:Wang Qianying / PostsID:1391024  


Approaching stock enthusiasts as analysts, teachers, and mentors in some stock groups to gain trust

Promote invitations through groups and other means0受害人到虚假平台炒外汇

After a successful invitation, in the foreign exchange speculation group, internal personnel impersonate customers to create the illusion of fast profit in foreign exchange speculation, gradually eliminating the concerns of victims

Give the victim a taste of the sweetness of small investments and big returns, and propose requirements such as profit sharing, in order to further gain the victim's trust through seemingly reasonable regulations

Grasp the victim's psychology and take advantage of the opportunity to offer conditions such as not sharing profits to lure the victim into the platform

The platform backend believes that setting the probability of winning or losing increases the probability of losses for victims. When victims make a profit, numerous obstacles are set up to prevent withdrawal, and when victims invest a large amount of funds, they may even be directly sealed or frozen. Delete victim platform account to illegally occupy victim funds





Dispel the clouds and see the sun, protect rights with proper methods!
QQ1017362028  VX:2430339670
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