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  文摘:弘基金融正规合法吗?弘基金融是黑平台吗?弘基金融平台展示的资质证书是真的吗?青阳老师喊单频频亏损怎么办?炒中华300What should I do if I am deceived and lose money?foreign exchangeHow to prevent beginners from being deceived?Is it really reliable to provide you with account opening link guidance?Can the lost funds be recovered?What to do if there is a sudden shortage or forced liquidation of positions, and there is no way to withdraw funds, the teacher incurs losses with orders, and the platform cannot log in?如投资者有上述疑问,我们帮您挽回亏损资金,我们讯成有着丰富的经验与专业的律师团队,讯成承诺不收取任何前期费用。讯成律师团队加(VLetter:hw19197)
  讯成普法:According to the "Strict Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Foreign ExchangefuturesNotice on Foreign Exchange Deposit Trading Activities (Zheng Jian Fa Zi)1994〕165号),凡未经批准的机构擅自开展外汇按金交易的,均属于违法行为。同时,客户(单位和个人)委托未经批准的机构进行外汇按金交易(无论以外币或人民币作保证金)的,也属于违法行为。而目前,中国人民银行、银保监会、证监会、国家外汇管理局及其分支机构,尚未批准任何机构在我国境内开展或代理开展外汇按金交易业务。
  操作:德国DAXIndex, Zhonghua500Index, Zhonghua300index
  2019year3月份。一个叫青阳添加我微信跟我交流股票知识并把我拉进一个群里说有专业老师讲课,带着他们赚了很多钱。刚开始老师每天在群里讲解股票怎么操作,后期说股市风险大行情不好,要带我们做指数,指数赚的多,风险小,让我们在弘基金融这个平台入金。群里有好多他们的托就开始问青阳老师怎么做。青阳老师就叫他们操作流程。后来每天看见他们在群里晒单,各种赚钱的图片。后来我也心动了就开始入金跟着老师操作,前面几次都是赚不过都是小赚,后来就各种亏,并且一亏就是大亏,从15The account is starting to deposit money50多万,几次就亏完了,亏完之后老师就把我提出群了。后来我感觉不对劲,就把剩下的都出金了。被骗之后我身心都受到了折磨,睡不好,吃不下,后来我在网上搜索外汇投资被骗,找到了讯成维权,讯成维权了解了我的情况后告诉我这就是一个骗局,可以追回,我们汇益维权签订合同之后他们立刻帮我展开了维权工作,经过一周的工作帮我全款追回了被骗资金。

  The teachers, analysts, directors, and professors you respect are all scammers. Their true identities are salespeople, who rely on commission fees to earn commissions. They don't care if you can make a profit, just how much money they can earn. Below are a few common fraud methods exposed, and I hope everyone can ring the alarm!
  1.Approaching stock enthusiasts as analysts, teachers, mentors, etc. in some stock groups to gain trust;
  2.Inviting victims to virtual platforms for foreign exchange trading through group promotion and other means;
  3.After a successful invitation, in the foreign exchange trading group, internal personnel pretend to be customers to create an image of quick profits in foreign exchange trading, gradually eliminating the concerns of the victims;
  4.Give the victim a taste of sweetness with small investment and large returns, and propose requirements such as profit sharing, in order to further win the victim's trust with seemingly reasonable regulations;
  5.Grasp the victim's psychology and take the opportunity to offer conditions such as not sharing profits to lure the victim into the platform;
  6.The platform backend artificially sets the probability of winning or losing, increasing the probability of victims losing money;When the victim makes a profit, set up numerous obstacles according to the situation to prevent it;When the victim invests a large amount of funds, they even directly seal, freeze, or delete the victim's platform account, in order to illegally occupy the victim's funds.
  宏基金融、鼎盈信投、融创信投、信邦策略、南洋国际、巨强国际、多乾国际、万荣国际、太湖国际、广汇国际、丰讯凯国际、阿尔泰AltaiJinyuan International, Pan Jin International, Suhui International, Aike International, Zhongsheng Strategy, Multi win Strategy, Hengxin Wealth, Anxin Monitoring, Chuangyuan Century FinanceUXEL优信、等等
  Message from Xuncheng:讯成维权团队提现大家投资有风险,理财需谨慎。外汇投资市场混乱,投资前应通过正规途径了解相关的金融知识,切勿相信那些所谓的分析师,投资者要擦亮自己的眼睛谨防上当受骗。
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