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▋ Success Cases

Teacher with orders: Zhan Ruige, Wei Shixin.
Operating products:CHINA300、A50。
Ordering method: Call for orders within the group.
In the group with orders: Zhongqian3Double Bull Stocks Build Positions.
Exposure platform:WDWan Ding.
       this year4A stranger added me on WeChat in mid month,After chatting for a while, he told me that there was a group where the "teacher" had strong analytical skills and everyone made money,And pulled me into the group,Saying that everyone can make money together,I was also foolish at the time and didn't take precautions against others. Now, when I think about it carefully, where will pies fall from the sky,How could a stranger tell me the way to make money!The scam also started here. I joined in with a learning attitude and listened to the class for a week,一共有三位老师:Zhan Ruige, Wei Shixin, and Assistant Jiajia.
      At that time, I bought several times with several teachers and made a little profit. I felt that the teacher's prediction was very accurate,Rich experience,Very professional in speaking,I also firmly believe in the teacher's instructions. I worked in the group for about a month ,Once, the teacher accidentally revealed that he wasWDThe Wanding platform has also doneCHINA300index ,Make a lot of money,And shared a screenshot of his profit,At that time, the group was fried for a while,It is said that teachers should bring them to earn a lot of money together. The teacher saw that everyone trusted him so much,I feel that I cannot eat alone,I agreed.( At that time, after a month of contact,I think the teachers are very talented,Following the teacher will definitely make money, so I inexplicably fell for it)。
But the teacher also said that the quota is limited,First come, first served,Many people in the group are actively signing up,And in the following days, many people in the group posted screenshots of profits, which were quite tempting to watch. The teacher also said that in the future, we will be dedicated to guiding everyone with careCHINA300The index no longer explains stocks and says it wants to dissolve the group and build Zhongqian3Double Bull Stock Position Building Group,If you don't keep up, just kick out of the group. I became anxious upon hearing this, I'm still watching and I'm afraid of missing out on great opportunities to make money,I couldn't resist the heat in my head.
        At that time, I never expected that the nightmare would truly begin,So under the guidance of assistant JiajiaWDWanding Account Opening, And I deposited the money for the first time18Ten thousand. On that day, "Teacher Zhan Rigo" shouted for me to make a profit210000 yuan,I withdrew a portion of the account funds,Left about half of the funds behind,As a result, from the second day on, "Teacher Zhan Rigo" kept losing money by shouting orders,Less than2All the funds in my account have been depleted. I am divided again2Secondary deposit12ten thousand,On that day, "Teacher Zhan Ruige" brought orders and made me earn money again1Wanduo,Coincidentally on Friday, I withdrew a portion of the funds,prepare Next week, I will enter and work with "Teacher Zhan Rigo" to operate,As a result, there were continuous losses starting from Monday,At this point, I have already incurred losses39Ten thousand,Account remaining3RMB 10000.

        I talked to Teacher Zhan Rigo about the situation,Recently, I have been losing a lot of money. The teacher suggested that I could work one-on-one, but my financial resources are relatively limited,Difficult to operate,He guided me to replenish some funds again, and I replenished the funds to15ten thousand,He started taking me on the operation, 2Teacher Zhan Ruige took me to make a small profit during the day, and then he asked me to operate the full position. When I asked, he emphasized whether to set a stop loss or do a few fewer moves. He said no, it's not necessary,He's helping to keep an eye on it,The result was an instant sell-out,He said the trend deviated and didn't expect it,Let's rest well on weekends and fight again on Monday,On Monday, there will be only funds left in the account5Ten thousand funds, and then Zhan Ruige asked me to operate the full position again,Don't let me set a stop loss result and sell out again, my account will be left with nothing left1More than ten thousand yuan, until now I have already lost money5310000 yuan,I just woke up and realized that I had encountered a scam!
        Most of the communication groups in these live streaming rooms are recommended by teachers who do not have supervision or sets.Irregular platform for card supervision, if you accidentally enter such a platform, your funds will not have any guarantee, and your funds will only flow to the internal platform (funds are all transferred to private accounts, which are internal personnel of the platform), and then the platform.Behind the scenes operations.If you buy up, they will control the decline. If you lose, the platform will profit. And the teachers who provide you with free advice are all arranged by the platform. Why do they give you free guidance? There is no free lunch in the world, and the purpose is to make you lose money and they make a profit.
Any overseas operation of precious metals in Chinaforeign exchangefuturescrude oilYou can file complaints and reports against the China office, third-party payment companies, and exchanges under the jurisdiction of the platform(Exchange regulations on leverage and fund management)It does not comply with exchange regulations in China. Quan Tian(V Letter:shengtian2019)。

What should investors do after realizing they have been scammed (key focus of rights protection)
1.Stabilize fraudulent gangs and platforms with orders, and apply for withdrawal of funds on the grounds of misappropriation. At the same time, seek help from legal, legitimate, and efficient rights protection companies

2.With the help of relevant professional rights protection specialists, collect evidence of fraud organized by fraud groups (such as cash flow records, platform operation records, platform call records, etc.)
3.Communicate with the platform as soon as possible, understand their attitude, whether they are solving the problem, deliberately avoiding it, or have already started transferring assets or even preparing to run away.
4.Legitimate litigation platform, while applying for property preservation. (Unless absolutely necessary, civil mediation procedures are usually used to successfully recover funds.)

权貹天维权实力雄厚,现已处理上千笔亏损客户案件,成功追回率高达85%The full payment recovery rate is as high as75%Eighth floor payment recovery rate92%。签订合同与保密协议,保证客户个人隐私!不做虚假宣传,只用实力说话!不成功不收取任何费用,全程免费指导,欢迎咨询。那如果因为一时鬼迷心窍被骗了,权貹天维权顾问在此明确的告诉大家资金是完全可以挽回的,只需要部分以下证据:

1The loss of funds5Over 10000 RMB
2Trading records within six months(时间距离维.权时间越近,追回的成功率越大)
3Have transaction reports or bank statements
4The platform is still operating without running away(Being able to deposit and withdraw funds normally)
5It is best to have chat records with platform salespeople and order teachers
Meet the above requirements5个条件权貹天(V Letter:shengtian2019)With confidence in recovery and time3-15Weekdays, some platforms require30More than working days. Before cooperation, a clear agreement will be signed, and we promise the customer that if unsuccessful, no fees will be charged.


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