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Li Wen Dianjin:8.5午夜黄金行情走势,黄金涨破新高,后市如何操作?

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The way to trade lies in change, which leads to communication, communication leads to achievement, and achievement leads to success; The fundamental essence of trading lies in stability, striving for progress while maintaining stability, and then avoiding risks and disruptions in order to lock in profits and avoid losses! The teacher is not a god. It is unrealistic to simply be accurate, go short and go up, and invest all the time facing certain risks. What the teacher needs to do is to constantly control risks based on the specific positions of the students, minimize risks, and consolidate our profits!
  在避险情绪和降息周期的影响下,现货黄金自7month19日以来又一次站上了1450美元关口,而且这一次的涨势比之前更加强劲,截至发文,现货黄金已经突破了1460美元。黄金期货的表现更佳,COMEX黄金期货主力合约已经涨至1470dollar/盎司上方,最高至1473USD, setting a new record2013year5月份以来的新高。相比国际黄金,以人民币计价的黄金表现更加亮眼。国内黄金期货主力1912合约今日逼近涨停,日间收报334Yuan, up12.8元,涨幅达3.99%The settlement price is329.2元。日内成交活跃,持仓增加,成交量为798694手,持仓为506224手,日盘持仓增加了58004Hand.
  此外,上海黄金交易所黄金T D日内也大涨3.38%, up to332.56element/克,达到了2013year2月份以来的最高点。值得注意的是,近期上海黄金交易所的投机交易活动激增。6月,以分期付款方式进行买卖的Au(T D)黄金合约成交量触及2062吨,达到有记录以来的第二高水平。从今日的涨幅中可以看到,以人民币计价的黄金要明显大于国际黄金。市场专业人士表示,其实自7月初开始,以人民币计价的黄金涨幅就比外盘大,从七月至今,COMEX黄金期货的涨幅约为5%,而国内黄金期货的涨幅为5.3%,其中部分原因是汇率价差导致的。那么,鉴于人民币已经跌破7,接下来以人民币计价的金价表现可能还会继续好于国际金价。
  黄金从日线级别来看,高位震荡后初步上破;KDJThe Golden Cross signal continues,MACD有重新结成金叉的迹象,绿色动能柱略微缩窄,均线多头排列,金价初步顶破前期高点1452.89附近阻力,若能站位该位置,则有望打开较大的上涨空间,初步阻力在2017year5month10Daily high point1462Nearby,2017year5month8Resistance to daily highs1476Nearby. Preliminary support below8month1Daily high point1445Nearby,5The daily moving average is supported by1436附近,若意外回落至该位置下方,则增加短线见顶信号。
Gold from4小时来看,震荡上涨;MACD金叉红色动能柱有所缩窄。KDJ金叉随机指标走平。指示金价短线将小幅回调,但整体呈现一个宽幅震荡。目前金价受到布林线上轨压制,K线高位也有局部吞没看空顶部信号,金价出现了回调。目前1450是重要支撑位处获得支撑,该位置既是整数关口,也是短线涨势的38.2%回撤位,综合来看,今日操作思路上刘.铭诚个人建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方重点关注1470-1475Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1450-1443一线支撑。盘间行情时时变化具体操作策略以刘铭诚レ,亻言:ldw6659实战为准!
Latestcrude oilMarket analysis:
  原油小时图暂时处于58.80高点下跌后的反弹修正,从K线台阶价格来看,反弹有一定的持续性,不像太弱势的下跌,已经由弱转为震荡,本周周初几个交易日大概率还是震荡行情。暂时难有大单边方向,上周的空间有点过量,本周主要以修正为主。不管是后面的方向如何选择,时间震荡跨度会比较大。操作上把握短线高空低多配合做震荡,不是单边行情,点位比趋势更加关键。综合来看,今日操作思路上刘铭.诚个人建议以反弹做空为主,回调做多为辅,上方重点关注55.7-56.3Frontline resistance, short-term focus below54.0-53.5Frontline support.
How to invest in gold correctly for beginners
  1Control emotions - Investors must be calm and control their emotions. They must calmly respond to sudden changes in the market, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities due to indecision. It is best to be prepared to deal with various possibilities before entering the market, so that when encountering sudden changes in the market, one may not feel too surprised and at a loss.
  2Starting from small transactions - For newcomers to the market, it is necessary to start with small scale transactions, gradually grasp the trading rules and accumulate experience, and then gradually increase positions.
  3Avoid being eager for quick success and instant benefit - there should be no desire for quick success and instant benefit in transactions. Investors should not enter the market based on their subjective desires in trading. Successful investors generally strictly separate their emotions from trading activities to avoid the market trend being opposite to personal wishes and bearing heavier risks.
  4Be prepared to accept failure at any time - Gold investment carries risks, and trading failure is inevitable throughout the entire transaction. It is also an important way for investors to gradually learn from and accumulate experience. When faced with investment failure, only by carefully summarizing can investors gradually improve their investment ability, avoid risks, and strive for profitability.
  5Better miss than make mistakes - opportunities are always present, and seizing them requires a pair of bright eyes rather than quietly waiting for an empty opportunity.
  6Develop investment plans that are suitable for oneself - life requires planning, investment requires planning, and investment is not an overnight process. Only by strictly executing can one profit from it. So how to become a profiteer in the gold investment market is crucial. Think about how profitable you have been since investing.
Official account: Li Wen Dianjin
This article is exclusively planned by Li Wen Dianjin. Please indicate the source when reprinting. The above content is for reference.
Full guidance time: early7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00(It never stops on weekends and can be consulted at any time) Entering the market is risky, and investment needs to be cautious.
Wen/Li Wen Dianjin(Guidance and consultation with Weixin:ldw6659)
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