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Bo Hu Lun Jin6.13黄金低位震荡,黄金走势分析操作建议

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  gold周三冲高回落维持震荡走势,周四亚欧盘时段金价维持短线2317-2310区间窄幅整理,美盘时段随着美经济数据公布金价加速走高,最高上探2341一线后震荡回落,周四凌晨金价最高上探2339一线后震荡走低,美联储利率决议的落地金价扩大短线回落最低下探2315一线后回踩2324一线震荡收盘黄金昨日收一根穿头破脚小阳线 今天早上来了一波大回调  昨日已经出现日线的高点上移 但是今天并没有走延续 反而出现了低点下移 说明行情还是偏弱 Follow Below2305-2397 操作上 由于昨日日线还是收阳 今日还是回调见反向k线进多                                                                         结构上 现在已经在5-c的走势里面 只不过现在处于子结构的的调整转态 Unbreakable2281大方向依据看涨

Operation suggestions:

Multiple orders:

Radical2300Nearby, stop loss8USD, target10-20dollar

Empty order:

Rebound2328Empty, stop loss8USD, target10-20dollar

Bo Hu's Message on Gold: As a lone soldier, do you feel like you are walking on thin ice in this financial market and struggling to move forward? If you are tired of unproductive investments and lost in the foggy market; If you suffer losses one after another but feel unwilling. So, it's time to change the status quo. Good birds choose trees to live on, your choices determine your future!

The above views only represent the personal views of Bohu Lunjin. Thank you for your continuous support. Welcome to share, share, and comment, let's grow together! If you feel that the above views on Bo Hu Lun Jin are helpful to you, you can try adding Bo Hu Lun JinvxNumber“KD1394”Every day, there will be timely analysis of the gold strategy, as well as real-time guidance and one-on-one consulting services, dedicated to answering every investment challenge you face.

Comprehensive guidance teacher: Bo Hu Lun Jin Micro(KD1394)

Direction guidance time: early7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00

Wen/Bo Hu Lun Jin

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