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Fang Yuan said Jin:2.16Gold Daily Cross Reporting The long short boundary point, the rebound of crude oil...

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For friends who have no direction or deep losses in the market, they can find Fang Yuan to solve the problem. Even small funds have the conditions for profitability. Large funds make big profits, small funds make small profits, and we can do it according to our abilities. As long as your trust follows me, I will definitely escort your account, and the profits will not be small. We will sail together in the storm and fight side by side (guidance official WeChat:fysj87  ,Q:1706407347) The following is the current price list provided by the group
Fang Yuan said Jin:2.16Gold Daily Cross Reporting The long short boundary point, the rebound of crude oil...998 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1716535 Fang Yuan said Jin:2.16Gold Daily Cross Reporting The long short boundary point, the rebound of crude oil...487 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1716535 Fang Yuan said Jin:2.16Gold Daily Cross Reporting The long short boundary point, the rebound of crude oil...340 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1716535 Fang Yuan said Jin:2.16Gold Daily Cross Reporting The long short boundary point, the rebound of crude oil...775 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1716535



好于预期的美国经济数据引发了对美联储可能进一步加息的担忧,压制延续下行;技术面黄金昨日大幅下探并再创新低,日线大阴报收并收60Below the daily line,MACD 0轴下方死叉,整体再度走弱;60Minute chart moving average short position arrangement,MACD 0轴下方金叉,偏弱震荡;综合看黄金整体走弱,大阴报收后预计继续下探概率较大,今日建议维持反弹高空主思路,但需关注日线级别进入超卖区间,短线追空注意风险控制;

Stress Focus1842---1845,反弹此区间承压先轻仓试空;如突破1845Short air observation, above1849--1853section;1859--1863区间承压再择机试短空;

支撑关注短线目标关注1833--1830;破低下看1823---1816附近;日内守住1830或回踩23nearby--16附近企稳择机试短多;(Pre market forecast for reference only, detailed in market communication)

crude oil周三晚间按照设想探底回升,之前所说的区间震荡已经出现,凌晨也是上冲到了区间上沿压力所在79.40,此处前期连续承压,因此也是日内的多空分水岭。今天依托此处考虑继续卖出。原油操作建议79.40Selling, risk control79.90, Objective78.20~77.50;万一上破79.90则说明短期多头可能将测试之前的反弹高点80.60。


  What can I do in a transaction to help myself turn losses into profits?

1Neither light nor heavy warehouse. The lack of profit in light warehouses is also a breeding ground for anti single mentality. Due to the light position, after the order goes in the opposite direction, you may wonder how many points this fund can withstand at present, and the market should be able to return from losses to gains in the future. Long term light trading will gradually weaken your understanding and crisis of risk control, and boiling frogs in warm water is such a principle. Heavy positions mean blocking the market, which is equivalent to handing over the success or failure to the market, either flipping or exploding. Friends who have visited Macau or Las Vegas should understand that it is almost impossible for you to block the dealer. Perhaps you have won once or twice, but ultimately you will fall short. Putting one's own funds at great risk is highly undesirable.

2Strictly stop profits and losses, with moderate profits and losses, and do not be greedy. It is currently difficult for investors to truly understand the concept of stopping losses and profits. Simply thinking that stopping losses will cause their funds to shrink and stopping profits will make them earn much less. And many friends say that just after the stop loss market came back, just after the stop profit, if you continue to take it, you can make more money. So let me tell you, there are also techniques for stopping losses and profits. Stop loss is to keep your losses under control; Stop earning is to allow you to make a profit and close your position in a timely manner when the market fluctuates violently or you have no time to consider your position. If you learn how to stop losses and stop gains, you will find it great and save you a lot of heart.

3Never oppose the market, admit your mistakes and correct them when you know them. Everyone understands what trends are, but few people can truly understand trends. When you make a wrong trend judgment, you will always give yourself psychological comfort. If you fall, it is for better growth. How can you rise without falling? So in trading, you will stubbornly go long, your positions will continue to increase, your losses will continue to magnify, and you will continue to raise funds to verify your trend. In fact, all you need to do is bow down to the market and admit your mistake. Stop the wrong order in a timely manner and follow the trend to make a wave. The loss is likely to be recouped and there is also a profit.

4Don't take chances at any time. In fact, there are three issues mentioned in the first three points, and there is a certain degree of fluke mentality. The most common sentence I've ever heard is' in case it falls'/Up, "investment is not just in case. If it goes up, it will go up, and if it goes down, it will go down. The market will not give you a second chance. Life is always live streaming, without rehearsals. Your little fluke will put your funds at risk of huge losses.foreign exchangeGold investment is inherently a high-risk investment product, and having any of the above in a transaction will increase the risk, so you will lose.

This article is written by Fang Yuan (official WeChat account:fysj87,Official account: Fang Yuan said Jin), I read the world economic news, analyzed the global investment trend, and had in-depth research on crude oil, gold, silver and other bulk commodities. Fang Yuan, the technical director, explained one set online, paid back the loss, and gave one-on-one real-time guidance to WeChat. The above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only. I will bear the risk and provide real-time ideas at the current price. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

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