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Yu Yue on Jin:9.23黄金今日还会涨吗?白银还会跌吗行情操作...

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  goldAnalysis of market price trend:

Friday(9month23day)当周金价势将震荡回落,美联储鹰派决议给金价沉重的压力,这导致黄金的投资需求不断减少。美联储9月利率点阵图暗示还将猛烈加息,推动美元暴力拉升,随后美联储主席鲍威尔试图缓和鹰派立场。美联储如期加息75Bps to3%-3.25%But the interest rate matrix shows that Federal Reserve officials believe that the policy interest rate will rise by the end of this year4.40%,2023Annual achievement4.60%The peak value is higher than the expected terminal interest rate in the previous market4.5%。 This also means that the rate hike for the last two meetings of the year is likely to reach125Basis points, and at the same time, the first rate cut will have to wait until2024年,打消了市场对联储快速转向宽松的念头。有分析师表示:鲍威尔既不是鹰派也不是鸽派,而是悲观;还会有进一步的痛苦,软着陆的可能性越来越小。更不用说美联储加息步伐清楚地表明了应对通胀政策的明显错误。黄金疲软是由于美元走强(和)收益率略升,美联储的总体前景是进一步加息,这将使黄金受到限制。整体来看,虽然金价见底信号仍不明显,市场对美联储未来将进一步大幅加息仍有顾忌,这令金价仍有进一步下行风险。

  结合小时图结构,黄金受美元上涨影响而一再走低,最低到1641First line position, currently in1641The position has stabilized, fluctuated and rebounded, and there is also a need for its own technical rebound. The focus of the short-term market structure has increased, but it has not broken through the key suppression, indicating that the market still has concerns about the suppression of fundamentals, and the confidence of bulls is difficult to maintain. Gold in the day, follow below first1640Compete, if it falls back to its bottom, then look at the lower edge of the range below1630-10Nearby testing, if the market relies on1641Go higher, then look at the upper edge of the interval from above1660-73Stress testing. Specific operation ideas: can be done before1642-40Try to take a light position and short a long one, with a stop loss1639, look at the goal1650-60Above can wait for rebound1660-65The region will consider short space, and the specific strategy needs to be adjusted in real time based on actual inventory.

SilverfuturesAnalysis of silver market trend:

  白银最近反弹明显强势于黄金,我们也不止一次提示,白银工业需求后期会大于投资需求,也即是说全球经济复苏都是对工业原材料有很大需求,必然催生一波牛市行情,经过连续反弹已经靠近下跌通道压力20附近,也即是说这里第一次遇到可以短线做空,预期即使下跌调整也不会有太大空间,反弹强势就是限制下地幅度,同时下周加息也就是白银最后调整时间,随时大幅上涨,那么就是继续回落做多不变,当然经过连续上涨肯定追多也不可取。白银支撑上移19.2附近继续买入10Daily moving average19.不破就是多头最后防线即可,对应TD白银依然是19.2附近对应做多不变。

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