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Fang Yuan said Jin:9.1Analysis of Gold and Crude Oil Trends and Operational Strategies

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   从技术层面上看,黄金昨天后半夜又回落至日内低点附近,日线收阴。早盘直接回落,最低触及1705附近,日内关注这个位置的支撑。如果1705支撑有效,黄金今天就震荡为主,如果有效跌破1705并逼穿1700整数心里关口,将继续看1694even to the extent that1680附近。行情只有再次站上1711,才能结束下行,否则还是下破概率比较大

    黄金目前在日线走势上继续维持着较好的震荡下行走势,在H4Current level trendKThe line is basically following the short-term moving average and is fluctuating downwards, with the current trend continuing to be weaker. Short term follow-up1710The pressure in the area is focused on whether there will be a second downward trend after confirming a rebound within the day. At present, the bearish divergence trend is also maintained at the hourly level. In summary, it is recommended that today's gold trading strategy focus on rebounding and short selling, supplemented by a pullback and long selling, with short-term attention from above1712-1717Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1690-1685Frontline support.

  crude oil昨日日线再收阴,日线形成双连阴回吐此前上涨空间,重新逼近前期低点,昨日最高92.73.Lowest downlink to88.20. Basically in line with the range given yesterday, yesterday was the first to92.70Directly open the front line to complete the bag placement. At the end of the trading day, it rebounded to91.55The first line will continue to bear pressure and close lower, and the last day will rebound and correct before closing lower. The next day, the market will continue to decline, which means that today's short-term market will still break through yesterday's low. Therefore, the next goal is to approach87.0-86.0Near the low point.4The hour chart shows a wave of rebound and a golden gun like return, with a slow rise and a fast fall. After consecutive negative declines, it closed at a low level. At present, the moving average indicator has not yet fully turned downward. After today's decline, pay attention to the low point or there may still be some fluctuations, and the late trading rebound91.55After being under pressure in the vicinity, a small level of suppression was formed. Today, the Asian market took the lead in short air, and after watching a wave of inertia fall, the bag was promptly dropped. As for the lower part86.0Is it possible to consider having one more short backhand in the area and combining it with the pattern arrangement during the session. The first touch may be able to be operated once in a very short period of time, and the target space depends on the shape. Overall, the short-term operation strategy for crude oil today is recommended to focus on rebounding at high altitudes, supplemented by retracing and going long. The short-term focus should be on the upper level89.5-90.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below86.0-85.5Frontline support.

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