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Guide Metallographer:8.15Gold trend analysis today, early trading1808Pressure First Empty

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Today's Focus Data:

  20:30Canada6Monthly wholesale sales rate

  20:30U.S.A8New York Fed Manufacturing Index for the Month

  22:00U.S.A8monthNAHBReal Estate Market Index

  22:50Federal Reserve Governor Waller delivers a speech at the meeting


Gold is currently trading sideways and consolidating, with heavy resistance, and the pressure position is bearish! Morning market1803You can leave it empty nearby! Below is the following1780The support, this is the key position of the long and empty watershed! Do not break, according to the strategy of fluctuating in the top range, the market will turn into a downward trend after breaking, and the main trend for the day will still be high altitude! Gold Now4Hours have passed5The wave has risen, and it is now at a clear top. It is not ruled out that another attack can be made, but the space above is limited, and chasing long is not rational. Going long also needs to wait until1780Support without breaking.1800The upper part should still be dominated by high altitude! Morning market1808Short bearish under high pressure!

Specific strategies:

Gold1803Empty, stop loss1810Stop surplus1780。

Disclaimer:The above suggestions are for reference only. Investment involves risks and caution is required when entering.

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