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Chen Zeqiang:6.29黄金原油涨跌行情分析策略,黄金专业投资交...

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Acquaintance is fate, acquaintance is fate. I firmly believe that it is fate to meet for a thousand miles, and it is fate to wipe our shoulders without a share. The journey of investment is long, and temporary gains and losses are only the tip of the iceberg along the way. You should know that a wise man who has a thousand worries will have a loss, and a fool who has a thousand worries will have a gain. No matter how emotional you are, time will not stagnate due to you. Pick up the boredom in your heart and stand up again to pack up and move forward. At this moment, being able to read here indicates that you and I are destined. As long as you are willing to share your gains and losses with me, I will be happy to help you overcome difficulties and become your confidant on the investment journey. The stagnation of your heart makes you sit at the bottom of the well and sigh in the sky. Am I fortunate enough to accompany you as I pass by.

  goldLatest market analysis:

Analysis of Gold News: Wednesday(6month29At the beginning of the Asian market, spot gold fluctuated in a narrow range and is currently trading in1821dollar/盎司附近,隔夜美联储官员承诺快速加息,反驳对经济衰退的担忧,帮助美元指数反弹,录得逾一周最高收盘价,令金价承压。不过,美国消费者信心表现较差,美国股市大跌,再加上市场对地缘局势的担忧,金价也受到避险买盘的支撑。


  黄金从技术面来看,日线级别震荡;均线交织,MACD粘合,短线缺乏明确方向,鉴于KDJ轻微死叉,后市略微偏向震荡下行,布林线下轨支撑目前在1810.91dollar/盎司附近,如果跌破该支撑,则增加破位下行的可能性,进一步支撑在1800整数关口附近,强支撑在5Monthly low point1786.70Nearby. upper10The daily moving average resistance is currently at1833.84Nearby,200Daily moving average resistance1845.50附近,若能顶破该阻力,则增加短线看涨信号;进一步阻力在6month16Daily high point1857.39Nearby;55Daily moving average resistance1866.00附近。从小时图上看,金价处于对称三角形(since6month14日低点起构筑的上行趋势线和自6month16Daily high point1857.88美元高点起构筑的下降趋势线)内,暗示波动性下降。综上所述,黄金今日操作思路上陈泽强建议以反弹高空为主,回调低多为辅,上方重点关注1825-1830Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1805-1800Frontline support. The article can only provide you with a temporary direction and ideas, as for the specific entry point settlement τ Please pay attention to the timing. Chen Zeqiang's firm offer will be provided in real time.

  crude oilTechnical analysis:

  原油经过底部几日的震荡反复缓慢酝酿整理,昨日终于延续上攻一波,日线开始连阳,回归于前期上行通道之内,周线也逐步展开宽幅震荡的迹象,预计后市指向115、119概率会逐步加大;昨日盘中只给出一单,106.8的多单,今日已经拉升至111.7高度,千万别小看原油的波动率,一旦打开,走几百点只是一两日的事情;今日原油直接进行了逼空震荡续涨,回测不了,也就无法安排进多;从macd运行来看,短周期是出现不同程度的顶背驰,小时线级别也出现一定受压信号,可先尝试先高空,回踩108上逢低再稳健继续跟进多单,108位置可以说是处于一定618分割支撑,若站稳短期上行通道上轨阻力111位置,或进一步走高冲击113and115;因此操作思路上陈泽强建议黄金回调做多,下方关注109Frontline support.

  原油操作:建议108.5-109附近参与多,止损108, look at the goal112-114;

This article is exclusively authored by analyst Chen Zeqiang. I have always been passionate about the gold and crude oil markets. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source when reprinting

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