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Yiheng Lunjin:11.12黄金高位整理后市能否继续反弹走高?

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     Summary of Yi Heng's Essay on Gold:2021year11month12Japanese novice stir frygoldWhat common sense do you need to know?11.12Will gold continue to rise today?11.12How to solve the problem of gold empty sheet covers?11.12What is the layout of this week's golden medium and long term?11.12How to layout the London Gold Short Line?11.12foreign exchangeIs the gold trend bullish or bearish?11.12周五黄金会出现黑天鹅行情吗?

Yiheng Lunjin:11.12黄金高位整理后市能否继续反弹走高?591 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605803

     For the current market, many investment friends are in a loss state, but they are unwilling to do so. Day after day, year after year, they still cannot find a clue. Intermittent losses have made their lives worse and worse, even borrowing money everywhere to live. What belief has sustained you until now? Recently, many investment friends have added me and told me about his previous loss stories. The teachers all felt regretful for him, as so many funds left him blindly operating at a loss. In fact, there are many friends in the market who don't like to use stop losses in the right way. To be honest, even if you make a lot of money today, if there is a unilateral trend in the market and it goes in the opposite direction to your order, all your efforts may be in vain, and even your principal may be caught up. We must comply with the market when doing transactions. Don't think the money in the market is so easy to make. If everyone can make money and get rich, why do people still lose money every day? Think about it!

     In fact, when we do trading, we first need to look at the trend, then at the point, and finally at the time. What we emphasize is our understanding and observation of the market. Regardless of whether the operation is right or wrong, there must be a reason for the operation. Once there is a reason for the operation, regardless of right or wrong, timely review is the true investment. Otherwise, it will only become  (du)  Bo. So for friends who need guidance in the future, or who need real-time advice, as well as friends who need a current price ordering experience, they can come for consultation.

      Yiheng Lun Jin Quantian Online Guidance(zyh168zz
Yiheng Lunjin:11.12黄金高位整理后市能否继续反弹走高?881 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605803

Yiheng Lunjin:11.12黄金高位整理后市能否继续反弹走高?175 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605803

      Yiheng's Discussion on Gold - Gold MarketTrend analysis and operational suggestions:


     reference resourcesthinkingone:周五首次回踩1842-1840Long, stop loss1835, Objective1848-1855Nearby;

     reference resourcesthinkingtwoStrong step back1833-1831Long, stop loss1827, Objective1839-1845-1850Nearby;

     reference resourcesIdea 3First rebound to1868-1870Short selling, stop loss1874, Objective1862-1855Nearby;

     Experience welfare: For friends who are added to Teacher Yiheng(zyh168zz)Yiheng TeamCan be provided for free based on the current market situation3Call for orders at the current price to verify your strength. In the future, free push can be provided with screenshots of the actual warehouse(A set of practical tactics

Yiheng Lunjin:11.12黄金高位整理后市能否继续反弹走高?92 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605803

     亦恒论金——crude oil行情走势分析及操作建议:


      Reference idea 1:今日首次反弹至82.7-82.9Short selling, stop loss83.4, Objective82.1-81.6-80.3Nearby;

      Reference idea 2:Strong rebound to84.0-84.2Short selling, stop loss84.7, Objective83.3-82.5Nearby;

      Reference idea three:Strongly stepping back to79.9-79.7Long, stop loss79.3, Objective80.5-81.3-82.3Nearby;

      The above content is for reference only and is also constantly discussed. Every day, my friends on social media will provide me with their opinions and operational strategies on the current market, as well as current price lists. If you need advice, you can read it yourself. No charge

Yiheng Lunjin:11.12黄金高位整理后市能否继续反弹走高?756 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605803

     The order is in hand, and I can't let it go in my heart. Locking the warehouse is not a long-term solution! For friends who have difficulty grasping the solution points, you can contact Yiheng himself. If you sincerely solve the problem, Yiheng will definitely help!

      Recently, due to market factors, there has been a lot of uncertainty. Therefore, without strict stop loss measures in operation, orders may be firmly trapped by the market. So, as a friend who has been covered, I think it's still necessary to reflect on my order making methods and improve a good trading system as soon as possible. Otherwise, the excess funds will eventually be swallowed up by the market. There is another investment friend who always looks at the market rising too high when making orders, so he goes short, and if he falls too much, he feels like he is about to rebound. However, they overlooked the position of the market, and when the market continued to move forward, they were trapped! So, when making orders, we focus on methods and strategies, rather than blindly following the trend. The correct order making still needs to be judged based on current trends and acted upon accordingly.

    Therefore, it is important to remind everyone that in order to survive on this investment path in the long term, one must be a good trader. Changing some bad habits is the key to better self-improvement. What I have always mentioned is the issue of stop loss. Over and over again, I have emphasized that when placing orders, it is important to strictly adhere to stop loss measures, even if you do not include a stop loss, you should not forget to include it. Because controlling positions well during trading can avoid psychological and psychological issues of fear. Even if the market doesn't go as planned and hits me with a stop loss, I won't lose much and won't cause any physical or emotional damage. We can roll up the soil. Isn't it the same principle to keep the green mountains and not be afraid of burning without firewood? There is no talk of recovering losses with the principal. Many times, orders that are put in can be sold out at a small loss, but when you choose to enter the market and recover losses based on market trends and indicator forms, you have a mentality of taking chances to do so,duDou, Shi, squat, guard. When the bad market is delayed and the funds are more and more tied, it is only then that I realize how important it is to strictly enforce stop losses.

    So you need to find a solution in a timely manner and handle it in a timely manner in order to be safe and worry free. Otherwise, if the market intensifies in real time, your psychology will also have to endure torment and suffering every day and night.  If you want to solve the problem, you can add Yi Heng Lun Jin. Since the student has found me, there will definitely be difficulties, and I will do my best to help (him) (her), after all, everyone's money is not easy to come by. Teachers will also cherish this opportunity to meet and know each other.

Yiheng Lunjin:11.12黄金高位整理后市能否继续反弹走高?270 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605803

      Speaking from the bottom of my heart:对于目前的交易市场来说,每一个投资者都是抱着赚钱的决心进入这个市场,都是为了能给自己现有的生活,提供更好的物质基础,实现自己的追求!但是却总是事与愿违,了解到你们的交易方式之后,亦恒才知道你们为什么做的不理想,原因:频繁交易、盈利2-3美金的时候就急着离场、亏损的时候又不舍得止损,最后导致无法挽回地步。那么对于初入市场的投资者,这样做我是可以理解的,但如果已经进入多年还是这样,或者有老师指导,那亦恒就不明白了,一名合格的分析师,应该有最基本的交易理念和市场把控能力;我希望大家对于自己老师的实力心里都能有个数,是否,做到了合作共赢?作为分析师不只是给投资者提供策略,更应该培养他们的交易理念,这不仅是职业要求,更是责任所在!

     This article is written by Gold Crude Oil Analyst(Yi Heng Lun Jin)(zyh168zz)Exclusive planning, thank you to the readers for their love and support of Yiheng's article. I hope everyone can gain some insights and insights from Yiheng's article!

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