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Yiheng Lunjin:10.21黄金蓄力是多头的爆发还是为了更好的下跌?

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     Article Summary:2021year10Month Number21Novice FriedgoldWhat common sense do you need to know?10.21What is the layout of this week's golden medium and long term?10.21What do you think of the bullish trend?10.21黄金区间震荡如何走出方向?10.21Does the rise and fall of the US dollar have an impact on gold?10.21今日初请数据能否带动行情?10.21crude oil高位震荡后市还会涨吗?

Yiheng Lunjin:10.21黄金蓄力是多头的爆发还是为了更好的下跌?569 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605283
Yiheng Lunjin:10.21黄金蓄力是多头的爆发还是为了更好的下跌?597 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605283

     周三黄金原油行情回顾:黄金多次冲高回落,沉陷在区间震荡之中运行,所以我们维持区间高空低多的思路来进行操作,早间1772Duodan in1778获利出局!随后在接近美盘时段,黄金行情打出新的高点触及1788一线压力位后,小幅震荡下跌,我们空单果断布局!最终空单在1775reap profit7美金出局!反手依靠区间操作,再次布局多单,在获利4美金之后减仓继续持有。因为低点不断的上移,有意愿震荡上行的步伐,所以多单减仓后带好保本止损继续看大方向是没有任何问题。所以在2021.10.21早间多单在1785获利才选择全部出局!重新在根据当天的走势研判布局!

     综合而言:周三整体操作,3Single, no stop loss order appeared, intraday profit:6+7+8=21A point, then the primary standard is2100USD, exchangeMRBnamely13425Yuan. So what if it's a week? How about a month? It can be imagined. So for friends who need guidance in the future, or who need real-time advice, as well as friends who need a current price ordering experience, they can come for consultation.

     Yiheng Lunjin: Full day online guidance(zyh168zz

Yiheng Lunjin:10.21黄金蓄力是多头的爆发还是为了更好的下跌?664 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605283

      Yiheng's Discussion on Gold - Gold MarketTrend analysis and operational suggestions:

  4小时的区间在慢慢抬高,周初回撤1760一线启稳后,从此前的低点1746-1760 慢慢在向上抬升,而反复的摸高。上行中伴随着急跌反复,2021.10.21早间黄金延续昨日的多头上行,从日线结构及周线的潜在性推动多头空间有望向上测试1800或上方,但同时需注意的是美指短线在下方93.27附近或会有止跌信号从而对黄金形成压制;因此日内采取顺势做多为主方向,短空为辅的思路;

     reference resourcesthinkingone: First rebound1792-1794Short selling, stop loss1798, Objective1786-1780-1773Nearby;

     reference resourcesthinkingtwo白盘回踩1780-1778Long, stop loss1774, Objective1786-1793-1800Nearby;

     reference resourcesIdea 3Strong step back1771.5-1769Long, stop loss1765, Objective1778-1783-1790Nearby;

     Experience welfare: For friends who are added to Teacher Yiheng(zyh168zz)Yiheng TeamCan be provided for free based on the current market situation3Call for orders at the current price to verify your strength. In the future, free push can be provided with screenshots of the actual warehouse(A set of practical tactics

Yiheng Lunjin:10.21黄金蓄力是多头的爆发还是为了更好的下跌?455 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605283

     Yiheng Lunjin - Analysis of crude oil market trend and operational suggestions:

   4After a series of consecutive negative retreats in the hour, the lost ground was regained with a series of positive recoveries. The small negative line retreated, while the large positive line regained. The pullback was slow and the rise was fast. In addition, the previous bullish trend remained unchanged. The correction at the beginning of the week was treated as a strong consolidation correction, and after reaching a higher level, there was potential for a breakthrough.1小时图伴随快速的收复失地,拉动均线指标拐头向上形成支撑,昨日低点即是今日短线多头临界点,而收在高位后,今日就有惯性的冲高量能。

     Reference idea 1:今日首次回踩82.6-82.4Long on the front line, stop loss82.0, Objective83.2-83.8Nearby;

     Reference idea 2:StrongStep back81.6-81.4Short and long on the first line, stop loss81.0, Objective82.4-82.8-83.5Nearby;

     The above content is for reference only. Every day, Heng Lunjin's Moments will provide me with tips on the current market situation, operational ideas, and current price lists. If you need to see the suggestions, you can read them yourself. No charge

Yiheng Lunjin:10.21黄金蓄力是多头的爆发还是为了更好的下跌?682 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605283

  Speaking from the bottom of my heart:The spot market is different from other gold markets.Financing.Capital is crucial for news management. Without professionals to analyze news and have a relative level of market technology analysis, how many individual investors will not lose money if they enter the market recklessly? But after losing money, we need to find a way. As the saying goes, good failure is the mother of success. In fact, most of us have done business and similar investments, and we have not said that when we first started, we went so smoothly and successfully. I believe that including you who are reading this article now, in the initial stage of doing business, we must have suffered from the ravages of reality, but later because we spent enough time researching. Find ways to do a good job in your business, constantly absorb new information, constantly absorb advice from others, and constantly learn, in order to achieve your current achievements. Similarly, making spot investments is the same. Without entering the market, one is always the winner. Only through the continuous process of profit and loss in the market, can one reflect on their own shortcomings, summarize them, and then correct them is the most important core. In fact, the market is not scary, what's scary is that you're afraid of it. So don't be afraid of the market. If you are not very satisfied with your current order making techniques or your profit and loss ratio, you can come to find Yiheng. Perhaps my advice and theoretical transmission can help you improve your unique self? Isn't there a turning point in this state? So, regardless of whether the viewpoint and strategy of the article are consistent with everyone's opinions or not, everyone can find and explore and learn together with me!

     This article is written by Gold Crude Oil Analyst(Yi Heng Lun Jin)(zyh168zz)Exclusive planning, thank you to the readers for their love and support of Yiheng's article. I hope everyone can gain some insights and insights from Yiheng's article!

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