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Wang Tianbao:5.7International Gold/原油今日如何操作

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Trading is like warfare, where both offense and defense are necessary. Defense is based on retreat, while offense is based on advance. When risk outweighs profit, a perfect retreat is far more significant than a partial victory. The highest level of trading is short positions. Only short positions can calm down, only meditation can observe battles, and only observation can serve as a referee, thus distinguishing between strong and weak trends. As long as one stands in line with the strong and weak teams, profit is just a passing act. Therefore, the first thing a trader needs to learn is to spend most of their time observing, rather than participating. They don't need to participate every time, they only want to turn the tide of trading once. There is no one in this world who lives easier than anyone else, but the strong. Even if they fall, they must smile, never cry out for pain when they fall, or turn on the light when they are afraid of the dark. The strong are not born, they have only experienced more setbacks.

  (5month6号)北京时间20:30Announced US to5month1Record of initial claims for unemployment benefits for the current week49.8万人,创去年3month14日以来新低。初请数据创逾一年新低,随着劳动力市场的好转,上周美国首次申请失业救济的人数减少。快速改善的公共卫生状况和大规模的政府财政援助推动了经济的繁荣,经济复苏也因此获得了动力。有数据显示,COMEXMost activegoldfutures合约香港时间5month6day21:35Instant trading within one minute5163Hand, total value of trading contracts9.30亿美元,香港时间5month6day21:39Instant trading within one minute2075Hand, total value of trading contracts3.75亿美元。香港时间5month6day21:47Instant trading within one minute2100Hand, total value of trading contracts3.80USD100mn

  目前关注焦点转向周五的美国月度非农就业报告,预计将显示上个月非农就业岗位增加97.8万个。由于市场为周五将发布的4月就业报告做准备,美债收益率略有下降。三菱日联金融集团报告称,官员们一致发出鸽派讯息,应能在周五又一亮丽就业报告公布前持续协助打消美债收益率及美元上涨压力;随着经济重启,非农就业工作岗位料将回升至接近100万个。在此之前,有“小非农”之称的ADP全国就业报告显示,上月民间就业岗位增加74.2Ten thousand, for last year9月以来最大增幅。美国4monthADP民间就业岗位创下七个月来最大增幅,因企业在需求激增的情况下纷纷提高产量,表明第二季度初经济在大规模政府援助和新冠疫苗接种人数增加的推动下获得进一步动能。我们在节前重点强调,国际主力一定会利用这个假期收割一波,目前来看节前博空的投资者已经被套;既然主力将他们套住,那么短期就不会给他们出逃的机会。

Analysis of International Gold Trends:

After continuous operation6Second exploration1800关口之后,终于在今晚突破了这道关口。说明趋势转多了。联系近段时间的走势来看,金价反复测试1800,长期在一个阻力未之下测试横盘,如果没有突破,回撤的力度可想而至;反之,一旦突破,暴涨的力度也一样超乎想象。

  黄金日内短暂回落至1782一线后便再度震荡反弹,基本上是单边上涨形态,午盘受美元下跌影响,反弹幅度加大,站上1790、1795压力,最终在美盘21spot35分成功破位1800整数关口,经过连续6Second exploration1800关口之后,终于在今晚突破了这道关口,前面也说过,1800这个关口一旦突破,暴涨的力度超乎想象!横有多长,竖就有多长,金价破位1800,顶底转换,阻力变支撑,回踩1800就可以直接干多,不要怀疑,今晚目标看1818-1820,中长期目标看1830-1850。综合来看,黄金短线操作思路上王添宝建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方重点关注1820-1825Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1800-1805Frontline support.

Market Analysis of Paper, Silver and Silver:

From the perspective of paper, silver, and perimeter5.574fall to5.372To form by bottoming outVForm up, fromKThe line structure has broken the previous high point and risen to5.632,4The hourly cycle is currently undergoing vibration repair, and5.6Narrow range oscillations are mainly unfolding nearby, and paper and silver are currently facing early highs5.64Nearby pressure level, break through to see5.76-5.89Short or stepped back, follow below5.55-5.38Whether the market can rise again in the future will be the key to the competition between long and short positions. Currently, bulls are still quite strong. In terms of short-term operations, I personally suggest a pullback to low bulls, and there should be a gradient in the entry positions. I personally believe that the first position2-3Becoming suitable, the gradient configuration will be added at a rate of 10%.

This article is written by/Wang Tianbao

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