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Li Lianying:11.27黄金还会涨吗?黄金多单如何解套、金银策略...

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When you see my article, Lianying can understand that you are looking for a teacher who can lead you to make stable profits. In complex market emergencies and institutional crashes, we cannot predict, but what we can do is to strictly implement stop loss measures when placing orders and maintain a calm attitude. With Teacher Li in place, you will not feel lucky to take orders and will not be lost when you cannot judge the market situation. A sudden change in the market is not scary. What's scary is that you can't react quickly, just wait, and even make wrong judgments. In the end, you miss the best opportunity to recover losses, even leading to further losses and missing opportunities to profit from the trend. Time is like flowing water, fleeting. Seize the moment and do not be overwhelmed by fear and surprise. Unwrapping orders requires patience, and it is even more important to have an exclusive solution that suits your needs. All the solutions you need are available with Teacher Li! Don't sit idly by! No matter how powerful Zhuge is, he still needs Liu Bei's search. Winning together only requires good cooperation and trust, as well as a willingness not to accept defeat. It's just that simple. If a friend is hesitant to take action on their own due to lack of confidence in the market, Teacher Li is your best guide! I, Li Lianying, will always be there, but if you don't even reach out, how can I help you? (Free group experience, provided daily)3-5Single)

   Friday(11month27日)美国感恩节假期令交投清淡,受新冠病例激增及其经济影响引发投资者对更多财政和货币支持措施的预期。美元指数从近三个月低位反弹,涨0.03%,美元稍早因悲观的美国经济数据和对冠状病毒疫苗的乐观情绪而处于守势,但稍晚因关键的近期不确定性抑制了方向性交易,美元则获得支撑收复失地。 金价连续第四个月下跌,疫苗进展一直打压避险需求,不过有分析师仍然看涨gold。特朗普宣布称下周起疫苗开始交付,或将早于预期开始全面接种。      


Gold market analysis:

  黄金技术面来看,日线级别,整体偏空运行;MACD继续下探,跌势放缓,KDJ显示超卖,短期来看,黄金跌势难改,空头把控盘面,但可能面临一定程度的反弹;中长期来看,100Daily moving average and200日均线继续上行,多头格局不变,继续关注支撑位1800关口的多空争夺。中长期上涨态势不变,不过面临短期回涨需求,短线跌势依旧,上方压力较大,建议逢高做空,鉴于感恩节的原因,美国大量投资者都处在假期中,波动会比较有限,马上又将迎来周末,短线投资者也可选择观望。中长线可关注1800and1763的支撑位,目前不宜抄底,可等待回撤1763frontline50%斐波那契回档位继续做多。综合来看,今日短线操作思路上李联赢建议以反弹做空为主,回调低多为辅,上方短期重点关注1818-1823Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1794-1800Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, and the entry points are for reference only. If there is a break, you can also consult Li Lianying to learn about the latest market situation. For specific order making strategies, the entry points can be found on Li Lianying's WeChat account:yy57564Based on actual offer guidance!

  crude oilLatest news:

Friday(11month27日)亚洲时段,美油走低,现报44.84dollar/Barrel0.33%,之前阿斯利康稍早宣布,其新冠疫苗有效性可高达90%。之前有两款正在研发的疫苗试验结果显示成功。但有几位科学家对试验结果表示怀疑,引发关于这个所谓的“世界疫苗”的疑问。OANDASenior Market Analystraig Erlam说,“似乎终于开始出现一些获利了结...市场在本周进入尾声时逐渐走软,由于美国原油守在每桶45美元以上,布兰特原油也已触及49美元,原油似乎已经度过夏季后麻烦最糟糕时候了。”另外,利比亚产出上升增添了市场供应过剩疑虑。与此同时,许多人无视封锁建议而出游。

Analysis of crude oil market:

Crude oil 从日线结构来看,主趋势看多不变,破位后的加速阶段。不过1小时图经过连续的放量之后,开始出现局部浪形的三重高。如果把这波上涨当作一个浪形上涨的话,目前处于该浪形上涨的局部尾端,通常出现三重之后,小周期显示多头量能稍有放缓,会伴随一定的回踩修正再重新蓄势上涨。目前处于这种局部慢涨逼空,回踩不到位,每冲出一个新高位就伴随长时间整理修正,原油昨日延续走高,开盘即慢涨逼空,以时间换空间的整理蓄势,美盘时段再进一步的发力冲高至46.20高位,日图连阳突破前高点43.73后的放量延续。所以综合分析操作上李联赢建议反弹做空为主,上方关注46-46.3One line of resistance, pay attention below44-43.5一线支撑。文章只能给你一时的方向和思路,至于具体进场的点位和止盈时机,李联赢会实时给出,欢迎关注!

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   Every time we enter the market, we have sufficient profits. Moreover, we have provided illustrations to our solid customer base when providing strategies, making it clear at a glance why we enter the market, why this is the opening point, and where our expected goals are! Enter without hesitation, hold positions with confidence, and exit without hesitation! Victory will not come casually, but prepared transactions can be seen from the strategy before entering the market to determine the chances of victory!

If you are currently struggling with losses, or if there are so many strategies to follow, you can choose to observe the operations within our group and present real-time, open, and fair current price calls through communication within the group. There are investment friends from all over the world in the group who can learn and communicate with each other, so that you can better learn. (Unconditionally enter the group) May I exist today, and your trading will not be lost! If you are disappointed with the market I show you hope!

If you don't have a good operation plan, you can consult me to apply for the current price order group. The current price order group is all free, with an accuracy rate of more than 90%. Real time market push within the group (Asian, European, American, and European markets) and (I personally) summary of current price order transactions are welcome for everyone to review: Profit has been made (entry is reasonable, well founded, public and open, can be reviewed)

This article is written by Li Lianyingyy57564As a contributor, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Technical Director Li Lianying provides online solutions, loss recovery, and one-on-one real-time guidance. Due to the delayed nature of online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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