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Teacher of Xinrong Options was deceived with orders, and the principal was recovered through legitimate rights protection

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  文摘:信融option市场亏损了可以追回吗?现货futures期权在我国是否合法?操作指数亏追回?为何你做什么都是亏损?维权真能追回foreign exchange亏损资金?平台点差手续费合理吗?What to do if there is a sudden shortage or forced liquidation of positions, and there is no way to withdraw funds, the teacher incurs losses with orders, and the platform cannot log in?Fried Shanghai and Shenzhen300、HK50、A50American FingerUS30、US630Dezhigoldcrude oilUsoil等指数亏损可维权追回!Anyone who has doubts about their own losses can come to the Xuncheng Rights Protection Team(Weixin)hw19197)现团队有专业的律师团队来处理这类案子,有着丰富的经验,维权周期一周左右,前期不收取任何费用,过程公开透明,一定要及时拿起武器维护自身权益。
  this year4月份的时候,我接到信融期权一个业务员的电话,他们当时打电话给我推荐股票,我起初并不想理他们,但是他们一直不停的打,还加我VX。 They just want me to pay attention, and I don't need to follow them. I thought at the time, that could also be an additional reference. It depends on their organization. Who could have imagined stepping step by step into the heavy traps they had already laid out.Well. At the beginning, they gave me stock information every day and also updated intraday notes on their social media. At first, I paid attention to it and found that it has indeed risen quite well, sometimes even for several consecutive days. I foolishly thought that their organization really had a very powerful trader. At that time, it was still a bit tight, so there was only a small amount of money available5WI played with them and then their teacher led me to operate it, earning a little money. For that half month, they took me to operate every day. Probably earned it2WThe appearance of the block. Then one day, suddenly they didn't bring it, and I asked them what was going on. They said they received the news that there was an insider ticket, and now the entire company does not bring customers, specifically bringing customers into this insider ticket. Say the least20-25Earnings from individual points, short-term,3-5Days to ship, but minimum20W起带。当时我咬咬牙,就跟他们进了。那时候正逢股市震荡大跌的时候,我也是蠢,听信了他们的鬼话,连续七个跌停板!亏了我十来万。出也出不来。问他们老师怎么回事,他们老师就各种搪塞,说什么中美贸易战,美市股票大跌,影响了中国股市。过了两天,那个老师主动找我说,现在股票不好做了,带我们做信融期权,帮我们免费把亏损补回来。然后我就在他们指导下开了户,拉我们进了一个交流群,还有一个直播间。当时我并不知道这些,也不知道群里一大半都是托,直播间里面大部分都是他们的水军。我当时也是蒙了眼,不到一个星期,我又亏了10manyW。 They asked me to increase my funds and double my earnings. I went in all together from front to back50manyW。总是想着赚回本就不做了。结果越亏越多,最后出不起本钱我才意识到不对,就在网上搜到Xuncheng Rights ProtectionVLetter:hw19197揭露信融期权黑平台的文章我才明白我自己真的是被騙了。后来在讯成维权的帮助下,不到一个星期的时间就帮我追回了所有的损失。

  如果投资者发现自己受骗亏损,一定要尽可能的保留相关的证据,证据越齐全完整,届时通过维权追回损失的把握越大。那么需要哪些证据?What conditions need to be met?
  1.The platform is operating normally and can perform all operations(open.Household, trading, deposit and withdrawal, etc)
  2.Since the last trading operation12Within months
  3.There are transaction records and bank cash flow records
  4.There are chat records with platform salespeople or single calling teachers, as well as relevant personnel(QQWeChat or call recording)
  5.The deposit is made through a third-party payment channel bank transfer method
  满足以上任意三个条件的讯成都有9More than 90% of the chances of recovery are guaranteed, and generally, successful rights protection is required until the time for compensation is reached3-15weekday

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