euro/dollar - The dovish stance of the European Central Bank is lower than expected, with interest rate spreads driving a rebound

2023-12-15 09:19| Publisher: 2233| see: 214| comment: 0

abstract: New York opened on1.0930Nearby,EBSIn the morning, it fell to1.09065The buyer's latest inflation forecast from the European Central Bank is not as mild as expected. The President of the European Central Bank announced at a press conference in Lagarde that the European Central Bank has cancelled the yield advantage of the US dollar against the euro, further weakening it and tightening the interest rate spread ...
  • New York opened on1.0930Nearby,EBSIn the morning, it fell to1.09065, buyer appears

  • The latest inflation forecast from the European Central Bank is not as mild as expected

  • President of the European Central Bank

  • Eurozone yieldCancelled after the European Central Bank issued a statement at a press conference in Lagarde

  • The yield advantage of the US dollar relative to the euro is further weakened, resulting in a spread of interest ratesTightening

  • dollar/Offshore RMB falling, stock market&goldRebound suppresses the US dollar

  • euro/USD touch11Trading day high1.1009Subsequently, it fell and rose in the end of the day+1.06%

  • Technology stocksBullish; RSI Rising but not overbought,21 Daily moving average provides support

  • China11Monthly industrial output, retail sales, and housing prices are risks in Asia

  • EZ 12 month HCOB Manufacturing, service, and comprehensive industries PMI It's a risk for Europe

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