euro/dollar - Rebound is a profit opportunity!

2023-12-14 22:14| Publisher: 2233| see: 240| comment: 0

abstract: As expectations of a US interest rate cut soar, the euro/The rise of the US dollar is a currency pair, not just a US dollar transaction - the European Central Bank will also cut interest rates on the one-year euro/The US dollar swap has hardly changed - there is no difference in rate of change for the Euro/The US dollar has rarely stayed at1.04-1.11Besides, the previous increase exceeded 1.10 Afterwards, quickly ...
  • As expectations of a US interest rate cut soar, the euro/The dollar rose

  • This is a currency pair, not just a US dollar transaction - the European Central Bank will also cut interest rates

  • One year Euro/The US dollar swap has hardly changed - there is no difference in rate of change

  • euro/The US dollar has rarely stayed at1.04-1.11beyond

  • Last time the increase exceeded 1.10 Afterwards, it quickly fell to 2023 Mid year interval

  • The trader has placed more than a bet on the rise of the euro 200 USD100mn

  • The rebound after the Federal Reserve meeting is an opportunity for profit

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