ANZ Bank: Buying USD on dips/Japanese yen, target to rise152

2023-11-28 23:06| Publisher: 2233| see: 248| comment: 0|come from: ANZ Bank

abstract: Summary: ANZ Bank has given a bullish outlook on the US dollar/Reasons for Japanese yen, suggest buying on dips 148 Level, achieving goals 152 Left and right. This strategy is based on the sustained strong momentum of the currency pair and the impact on the Bank of Japan (Bank of Japan policy. Key point: Strong bullish momentum: ANZ Bank points out that the US dollar/The Japanese yen currency pairs ...

ANZ Bank: Buying USD on dips/Japanese yen, target to rise152508 / author: / source:ANZ Bank


澳新银行给出了看涨美元/Reasons for Japanese yen, suggest buying on dips 148 Level, achieving goals 152 Left and right. This strategy is based on the sustained strong momentum of the currency pair and the impact on the Bank of Japan (日本央行)政策。


强劲的看涨势头:澳新银行指出,美元/日元货币对的势头仍然强劲,表明该货币对有可能突破 150 Gateway.




干预风险:虽然承认干预美元/日元多头头寸的风险,但澳新银行指出,之前的干预措施影响有限。任何未来的干预,尤其是高于 150 水平的干预,都可能为该交易提供更好的切入点。


澳新银行对美元/日元的前景看涨,策略是在 148 左右逢低买入,目标是升至 152。该行的分析表明,尽管美元疲软且美国数据疲软,但该货币对的动能和市场动态仍将在 148 左右逢低买入。日本央行的政策将继续推动美元/日元上涨。尽管干预措施存在风险,但其历史上缺乏持久影响被视为以更有利的水平进入交易的机会。

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