Black Pearl of the Caribbean Sea: Why can the Cayman Islands become the world's financial center? ... ...

2023-1-17 01:28| Publisher: 5566| see: 419| comment: 0

abstract: He played Jack in Pirates of the Caribbean.Captain Sparrow's "strong brother" Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Ameber.Hilde duration6The divorce lawsuit finally ended in the century of6month1The court ruled that Brother Qiang won the case. However, during the divorce case, Disney tried to make an appointment with ...

He played Jack in Pirates of the Caribbean.Captain Sparrow's "strong brother" Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Ameber.Hilde duration6The Century Divorce lawsuit in has already come to an end, and the jury ruled that Qiang Ge won the lawsuit.

Black Pearl of the Caribbean Sea: Why can the Cayman Islands become the world's financial center? ... ...277 / author: / source:

However, due to Disney attempting to negotiate with Johnny during the divorce case.Depp drew the line and removed him from 'Pirates of the Caribbean'6Excluding, Depp stated that even if Disney brought3Billion US dollars and100Ten thousand alpacas came to beg him to turn around, and he wouldn't star in another Pirates of the Caribbean movie series, so it's basically certain that we'll lose Captain Jack for a long time.

Black Pearl of the Caribbean Sea: Why can the Cayman Islands become the world's financial center? ... ...941 / author: / source:

(Image sourced from the internet)

Leaving aside Disney's grudges with Depp, let's talk about a beautiful island that has appeared multiple times in "Pirates of the Caribbean". It is an overseas territory of Britain in the Western Caribbean Islands of America, consisting of Greater Cayman, Lesser Cayman, and Cayman Braque3Composed of islands, it is known as a world-renowned diving and vacation destination. It is the Cayman Islands and the fourth largest offshore financial center in the world.

Black Pearl of the Caribbean Sea: Why can the Cayman Islands become the world's financial center? ... ...914 / author: / source:

(Image sourced from the internet)

The Past and Present Lives of the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands was originally a settlement of the Native American Caribbean tribe, with a relatively late history of civilization and civilization. Until the invasion of Western colonizers, the area remained in the primitive stage of society.1503year5month10On the day, great navigator Columbus discovered the Cayman Islands and named it "Turtle Island" due to the presence of many sea turtles in the surrounding waters.1530Around the year, Spanish colonizers occupied the archipelago and renamed it "Cayman" (meaning "crocodile" in Spanish) due to the large number of crocodiles in the area

1670In, Spain, which had failed in its hegemony campaign, was forced to sign the Treaty of Madrid with Britain, ceding Jamaica and the Cayman Islands to the latter. After the Cayman Islands came under the jurisdiction of the British Governor General in Jamaica, they were placed under the jurisdiction of the British Governor General in Jamaica for a long time, until Jamaica1962After declaring independence in, it became a separate British colony,1981Promoted to "Overseas Territory" in. Nowadays, although the Cayman Islands are governed by a Governor General appointed by the British monarch, the local government has its own constitution, and the Legislative Council elected by the islanders has a significant say in internal affairs, resulting in a considerable degree of autonomy.

Black Pearl of the Caribbean Sea: Why can the Cayman Islands become the world's financial center? ... ...444 / author: / source:

(Image sourced from the internet)

Due to insufficient inherent conditions for economic development, the industrial and agricultural foundation of the Cayman Islands is extremely weak, with only a small amount of building material production, light industrial products related to tourism, and processed food. The only industries that serve as pillar industries are fishing and tourism. However, due to the significant impact of climate on fisheries and tourism, the consequences of severe natural disasters will be unimaginable. For this reason, in order to survive, the Cayman Islands have been80Starting from the 1990s, we vigorously developed the financial service industry, which greatly improved the economic development.

Go through30After years of development, the Cayman Islands have now become the world's largest4As of now, the number of companies registered on the island exceeds1010000 households (far exceeding the population), including700Multiple banks800Multiple insurance companies and nearly 10000 hedge fund institutions.

Due to its unique geographical location and political background, many global conglomerates, financial giants, and high net worth individuals have established companies here, including many well-known Chinese companies that choose to register their companies here, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Xiaomi, and many other companies listed in the United States and Hong Kong, all registered in the Cayman Islands.

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(Image sourced from the internet)

The development of offshore finance and tourism has brought a continuous stream of huge wealth to the Cayman Islands, enabling this resource-poor, sparsely populated, and disaster prone bullet island to lift itself out of poverty and live a very prosperous life. According to World Bank statistics, the Cayman Islands2018Per capita inGDPup to85477USD (approximately598339RMB, far exceeding the minimum standard of developed countries(12055The US dollar has been increasing in recent years.

It is precisely because of its super wealth that the Cayman Islands government has the confidence to implement various high welfare policies in areas such as education, healthcare, and elderly care. In addition, the distribution of social wealth is relatively equal, the political situation is stable, public security is good, and ethnic relations are harmonious, resulting in a very high standard of living and a sense of happiness among the people. Nowadays, the Cayman Islands, due to its beautiful scenery, first-class infrastructure, and relaxed society, is not only a destination that tourism enthusiasts from all over the world flock to, but also attracts a large number of highly skilled multinational talents to work, which is truly enviable by many international cities.

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