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  Guided Reading

7.31午评:多头持续爆发,原油上破50大关口将继续做多687 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:828451

  crude oilMessage surface

  上周油市迎来多项重磅利好,原油多头同样经历了他们的“狂欢周”。周五,NYMEX 9Monthly deliveryWTIcrude oilfuturesrise in price0.67USD or1.4%, to49.71dollar/桶,周内累计上涨达8.6%;ICE 9Brent crude oil futures prices for monthly delivery have also risen1.03USD or2%, to52.52dollar/桶,上周累计上涨了9.3%。两油均创下了自截至去年12month2日当周以来的最大单周百分比涨幅。

  上周,油市的好消息几乎占据了每日的头条。OPECAnd nonOPEC产油国周一在圣彼得堡召开会议,会上各国除了表达对油价未来的信心之外,还提出了切实的解决方案:一、沙特将在8月大幅削减产量和出口量;二、未来将力推减产执行率达到100%;三、可能会讨论延长减产至明年3Month.


  抛去预期的提振作用,数据也为油价上涨提供了实实在在的支撑。周三早间的API原油库存骤减1020Ten thousand barrels, for2016year9月以来的最大降幅;晚间的EIA四大库存全数录得下滑,且原油库存减少720.8万桶远超预期,同时这也是美国原油库存连续第四周下滑,似乎OPEC长期不渝的减产终于收获了成效。另外,美国原油产量也开始减少,不知是否页岩油行业债务危机的开端。截至7month28During the current week, the number of active oil wells in the United States increased2Seat to766座,不过整个7Monthly increase only10Seat.

7.31午评:多头持续爆发,原油上破50大关口将继续做多700 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:828451

  Analysis of crude oil market

The trend of crude oil last week was also constantly positive, with oil prices rising step by step. Since the end of last Monday's meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, crude oil has skyrocketed like a stimulant. Firstly, this meeting has taken action to limit Nigeria's oil production and called on some member countries to strengthen their implementation of production cuts, with the aim of helping to clear excess international crude oil inventories to support oil prices. Secondly, it isAPIas well asEIACrude oil inventories have plummeted, and oil prices are waiting for an opportunity to rise. Finally, the sustained decline of the US index has boosted oil prices. As for the trend of oil prices this week, the market has seen many headlines. Under the stimulation of various positive factors last week, oil prices have almost all ended with a physical bullish candlestick (Wednesday)EIAExcept for stimulating the market, long positions are strong enough. If this good momentum can be maintained, there will be further reasons for oil prices to rise, and the upper limit may touch50The US dollar level and even52USD.

  原油今天早间市场低开高走,上行至50美元的关口回调,目前50美元关口的压制,美原油目前日线上看,5Daily moving average10Daily moving average20The daily moving average runs upwards,KLine shape located at5Above the daily moving average,macd指标开口方向向上,底部红色量能没有明显的变化,4小时走势图上看,5Daily moving average,10Daily moving average20Daily moving average40The daily moving average runs upwards,macd指标开口方向向上,底部量能缩量,综合起来看,美原油多头依旧强势,建议先看回调之后再做多。
7.31午评:多头持续爆发,原油上破50大关口将继续做多462 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:828451

 Recommendations for crude oil operations

  短线策略1, falling back49.70一线企稳做多,目标50.05, hold against the limit;

  做投资一定要首先树立正确的投资理念,这是一切的根源,其次做好仓位资金管理,重要的保持良好的心态,赚了不要骄傲,亏了不要气馁,另外辅以扎实的技术功底;在正确的道路指引走下去。索罗斯说过:"投资本身没有风险,失控的投资才有风险。"成功的操盘手都遵循简单的交易原则---"鳄鱼原则"。该原则引自鳄鱼的吞噬方式:被咬的猎物越挣扎,鳄鱼的收获就越多。如果鳄鱼咬住你的脚,它等待你的挣扎。如果你用手帮忙挣托你的脚,则它的嘴同时咬住你的脚与手臂,你越挣扎便咬得越多,所以,万一鳄鱼咬住你的脚,你唯一的生存机会就是牺牲一只脚,壮士断腿。 当你在市场中被套,惟一的方法就是马上止损,无论你亏了多少,你越是加码就将套得越多。所以在市场里生存不是靠赌运气,一时的涨跌并不重要,几天的趋势变化不重要,关健是要能真正认清趋势,并且抓住最后趋势不松手。保持心态的平衡,才能让自己立于场外看市场。只有不被市场情绪所左右,才能脱离小散的视角看问题。

  writing/Divine Finger Touching Gold WeChatszdj686 Official account: One click spot strategy

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