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7.30下周非农黄金中长线如何布局?钻井增加原油还能做多吗?898 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:827141



  周五公布的美国二季度GDP初值基本符合预期,数据显示美国二季度经济增长了2.6%。不过美国就业劳工就业成本季率仅增长0.5%,暗示薪资增长疲软,而一季度GDPGrowth expectations are also influenced by1.4%下幅下修至1.2%。这也导致美元短线重挫,金价获此支撑价格飙升。
7.30下周非农黄金中长线如何布局?钻井增加原油还能做多吗?651 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:827141

  另外北京时间下周五(8month4day)U.S.A7The non farm employment population after the seasonal adjustment is about to be announced, and the market expectation is1810000 people, the former value is22.2Ten thousand people. At present, the most important thing that the market should pay attention to is whether the number of non-agricultural employment will increase from22.2万人减少,如果非农数据减少,那么对眼下的白银价格带来支撑,银价有望站上17关口。当然,如果非农数据要好于预期,那么美元指数将如期反弹银价可能会出现一波回调行情,但后市依旧保持上行趋势不变。

Analysis of Gold Technology

  从日线图看,黄金整体呈现VThe trend of type reversal,KThe overall trend of the line shows a bullish arrangement, and the upward trend has been continuing. According to the current trend, gold is expected to impact6Monthly high point1295On the front line, from the perspective of the Bollinger system, Bollinger operates with an open mouth,K线运行于布林上轨附近,目前受到1270A brief suppression on the front line, with a slight correction of the decline;4Looking at the hourly chart, the moving average system shows a wave like rise,5Daily moving average10The daily moving average runs with a golden cross, and the Bollinger belt runs upwards with an open mouth, as shown in the attached figureMACDThe red kinetic energy column gradually increases in volume,KDJ金叉运行,技术指标呈阳性,多头趋势非常明显。再综合近期的市场基本面和美元走弱,都是利多黄金,所以后市黄金将进一步走高,下周黄金有望突破1280一线。所以做单方面我们理应顺势而为,回调做多为主。下方关注1262Frontline support, attention from above1280First line pressure level.
7.30下周非农黄金中长线如何布局?钻井增加原油还能做多吗?870 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:827141


  1Callback1262一线做多,目标1270Above, stop loss1257

  2First touch above1280一线做空,目标1264Stop loss1283


Saturday Beijing Time(7month29In the early morning of the day1点,美国油服公司贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)公布数据显示,美国7month28The total number of oil drilling in the current week has increased2座,再次恢复上升趋势,在过去28周中仍有26周增加。数据公布后,全球油价短线反应平淡。有分析人士指出,本轮钻井平台增加周期预计至少持续到2019Year.

Specific data shows that the United States7month28The total number of oil drilling in the current week has increased2Seat to766座,自2015year10Since the beginning of the month13次超过700座,预期为764座,前值为764座,。此前石油钻井平台数曾连增23周,创出有记录以来最长的增加周期,本周再次恢复上升趋势,上次是在2011year8月份结束,曾连增19Zhou.

United States7month28日当周天然气钻井总数增加6Seat to192座,再次出现上升,预期为186座,前值为186座;美国7month28日当周总钻井总数增加8Seat to958座,预期为950座,前值为950座。数据公布后,油价短线反应平淡。美油目前报49.67美元,日内涨幅为1.28%
7.30下周非农黄金中长线如何布局?钻井增加原油还能做多吗?97 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:827141


  crude oiltechnical analysis

Crude oil4小时收线阳柱,布林带三轨缩口区间压缩。而指标macdMaintain a high level of golden cross bonding and vibration, with agile indicatorsstoContinue to repair upwards. therefore4There is still a possibility of continuing to rise when one is young. At present, the upper rail is being suppressed49.7一线。支撑在均线MA5andMA10粘合位附近49.1-2;小时线目前蜡烛图运行至布林带外围,并且小时线经过了长时间的横盘整理,所以爆发的幅度比较大,而且目前小时线macd刚刚金叉打开,灵动指标sto勾头向上,因此短期原油并没有见顶。结合周线和日线的费波拉契回调线判断上方压制在50附近。综合来看下周继续看一个上涨,操作上以做多为主。
7.30下周非农黄金中长线如何布局?钻井增加原油还能做多吗?491 / author:Divine Finger Touching Gold / PostsID:827141


  1Suggest callback49.0Long nearby, stop loss48.6, Objective50.0Nearby;

  2Suggestions50.0Short and stop losses in nearby light positions50.4, Objective49.2Near.


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