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Thursday Beijing time(7month27In the early morning of the day2:00The Federal Reserve has released7monthFOMCMeeting statement to maintain the federal funds rate at1%-1.25%区间不变,符合市场预期,并宣布“相对较快地”启动缩表,暗示最早今年9月开始。按照惯例,这次会后没有安排美联储主席耶伦的记者会,也没有提供更新的经济预测。

FOMCThe statement stated that the US economy will ensure a gradual increase in interest rates and reiterated its commitment to a mid-term rebound in inflation rates2%The confidence is that the employment growth rate is stable, the labor market continues to strengthen, and the process of normalizing the balance sheet will begin relatively quickly. The statement also reiterated that we are closely monitoring the inflation situation and still believe that the inflation rate is temporarily affected. Currently, we will continue to reinvest our assets, that is, maintain a relatively loose monetary policy. The Federal Reserve has not changed its interest rate hike path, meaning it expects to raise interest rates again this year.

据华尔街日报,美国参议院共和党提出的废除并替换奥巴马医改法案的议案以43Vote in favor57票反对未获通过,相关举措需达到60票多数赞成才能通过,9位共和党投票否决该举措;参议院将继续就仅废除奥巴马医改法案的选择投票。不过,由于共和党内部矛盾无法调和,市场几乎对此不抱有希望。



  从日线上看,昨日录得一根阴线,延续了本周回落的走势。加上近期黄金持续收阳,在顶部已经构成了黄昏之星的形态。不过从今天黄金的收线情况来看,应该是会收大阳,目前价格已经吞没了之前黄昏性的高点,如果今天能站上并企稳1260On the first line, then the gold market will continue to rise, and the upper space will open up to see1272附近。目前美指的持续性下跌破新低给了黄金强力的支撑,什么时候企稳回升,是我们需要着重关注的地方。操作上建议回调做多为主,高空为辅。

crude oilMarket analysis:

  日线上,目前KThe line is between the upper and middle tracks of the Bollinger Bands, and the entire Bollinger Bands continue to run upwards with an opening; Attached diagramMACDDouble line intersecting dead cross operation, the green energy column capacity has weakened, and the indicators are relatively weak; The overall trend on the daily chart is still positive for crude oil. Looking at daily support47.20/47.50; Suppress Look49.30. Four hours of continuous positive trading volume, with almost no pause in correction and unilateral increase.4After breaking through the high point in hours47.70Conversion support for top and bottom conversion. Today, relying on support, we can continue to see an upward trend. But today we're just looking at the continuation of inertia, the trend line of the daily chart above49.40-50There is still some resistance, and after the increase in volume of the Double Yang, the short-term will still enter a circuitous upward trend, with the short-term mainly remaining low. See if chronic consolidation can break through the suppression of resistance and complete the reversal and rise. Currently, the focus is on the top49.0and200Daily moving average49.30一线压制。下方重点100Daily moving average48.10和上周高点47.5Support.



1Gold1250Those who are short selling nearby should have set their sights for now10About a point, if the risk is still high, in the120Above, there's no need to worry too much. Pay attention to the hourly line collection situation in this round,1260The gains and losses of position. If you stand firm, go long and lock the order first. If you hit high and fall back, you can add short positions. If the risk lies in100以下的,宁昕建议有回落先减仓为稳,有资金才能继续操作,否则等到爆仓就一无所有。

2Gold and today's low point1244If you are short selling nearby, then your pursuit is meaningless. Even if you want to short, you can wait to fall below the daily trend line1240Do it again, chasing after empty spaces is a mistake that only beginners make. If there are short orders at or below this position, the likelihood of being resolved in the short term is not high. Even if there is a pullback in the gold market in the future, it will only reach1250Nearby. If we stand firm1260继续上攻,那么空单就拿的毫无希望。建议改割肉还是得割,南辕北辙永远到不了目的地。


         writing/Divine Hand Gold Rushing   WeChat:taojin000
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