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Xun's words:7.3非农周撞上美联储纪要,黄金还会跌吗?黄金多单如何解套?

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  Xun's words:7.3非农周撞上美联储纪要,gold还会跌吗?黄金多单如何解套?
  Xunqian language--Message:
Xun's words:7.3非农周撞上美联储纪要,黄金还会跌吗?黄金多单如何解套?21 / author:Xunqian language / PostsID:715706
  Xunqian language--黄金空头情绪弥漫,后市还会跌吗?
  Xun's words:7.3非农周撞上美联储纪要,黄金还会跌吗?黄金多单如何解套?302 / author:Xunqian language / PostsID:715706
  Xunqian language--Gold trend analysis:
Xun's words:7.3非农周撞上美联储纪要,黄金还会跌吗?黄金多单如何解套?709 / author:Xunqian language / PostsID:715706
  黄金上周尾盘一直是一个震荡下行的态势,特别是周五以1247-48为压制走出单边回落,试探1240美元一线跌的支撑,纵观上周,多次在跌破1240后,均被拉回,收于1240美元上方。而今日黄金早盘依旧弱势,处于极弱下行格局,而且早盘延续上周收盘的弱势格局已经下破1240,短线将有望延续下跌破新低。浅语Weixinc2043175572日线级别中,上方5Daily moving average and10日均线粘合向下压制运行,下方虽然有120日均线的支撑,但是目前的走势,黄金并没有支撑反弹的力度,所以趋势上还是偏空头。黄金小时图来看,也是空头放量,但MACD指标粘合发展,亚欧盘关注周五晚间反弹的高点1245附近,因此欧盘没有突破这个位置,那就是做空的好时机,做空不要等,往往机会措施在等待中。综合来看,浅语认为黄金继续看震荡下行,日内操作思路建议反弹空为主。
  Xunqian language--Golden Operation Strategy:
  rebound1245-46Short selling, stop loss at1250, Objective1238-36Let's take a look1233-30dollar
  Xun Qianyu Tencent Online:2312765581.Professional guidance teacher's authority:c2043175572
  National spot goodsVIPMillions of buyers and sellers:535755317,Verification【1793】No verification, no response
  Xunqian language--白银走势分析:
  白银同步黄金走弱势整理,上周尾以日线布林带中轨16.9为压制走出回落收阴走势,周五震荡收取十字星,但是日线布林带向下开口运行,上方5日均线开始向下拐角运行,趋势开始偏弱了。浅语葳芯c2043175572技术面上,四小时线偏弱势,不过,目前面临下方16.5一线支撑,预计白盘跌破的可能性不大,并且下方16.3一线支撑强硬,短线关注震荡调整,下方关注16.5Frontline support, attention from above16.8一线阻力,综合而言,现货白银短线风险偏多,下行风险犹存,不过本周非农数据公布,投资者不宜追涨杀跌以免套单。日内交易数据颇为清淡,浅语建议暂以反弹空为主。
  Xunqian language--Silver operation strategy:
  rebound16.7Short selling, stop loss at16.9, Objective16.5, take a break to see16.3dollar
  Xunqian language--黄金多单如何解套?
Xun's words:7.3非农周撞上美联储纪要,黄金还会跌吗?黄金多单如何解套?187 / author:Xunqian language / PostsID:715706
  1.Control losses and prevent risks.Spot investment can tolerate losses, but losses must be controlled within an acceptable range. Therefore, strictly setting stop losses is the first step for investors to make profits. It is best for investors to set the stop loss at the cost of each transaction3%-10%Within the scope, if the price breaks through, immediately close the position and leave the market.
  2.Plan well and ensure profitability.The troops and horses have not moved, and the food and grass have taken the lead. Investors should first make a comprehensive prediction of today's market trend and scientifically set their profit and loss ranges before entering the trading market. If there is a profit in an investment, investors need to learn to maintain their own profit success by gradually withdrawing costs, and then using the profit part to play games.
  3.Follow the trend and summarize experience.The most important principle of spot investment is to follow the trend, and investors can only make safer profits by following the direction of the market. Of course, this requires investors to accurately judge the future trend of the market. When there is a loss in an investment, the most important thing investors should do is to take stock of their trading mistakes, summarize lessons learned, and prevent mistakes from happening again.
  Xun's words:7.3非农周撞上美联储纪要,黄金还会跌吗?黄金多单如何解套?252 / author:Xunqian language / PostsID:715706
  心态比策略重要,策略比技术重要,技术比运气重要,选择一个好的分析师不如选择一个为你着想的分析师荀浅语。对于正处在迷茫中或对黄金白银亏损、套单,想学习、想找寻更好的解决办法的有识之士都can+荀浅语微星c2043175572,全国现货VIPMillions of buyers and sellers:535755317Verification:1793,无验证不通过。
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