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Minghui Pinjin:6.23现货天然气原油白银黄金行情分析及建议

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Attitude determines hardship and joy, concept determines success and failure, and the simpler a person is, the more peaceful their trading becomes. Many times, you would rather be killed in battle against the tide than reflect on yourself. A drop of ink can stain a glass of water, but it is difficult to muddy a river because a generous heart can accommodate it;One sentence can ruin a temporary mood, but it is difficult to determine a person's life, because fate is in one's own hands;An accident can make your footsteps heavy and difficult to erode your persistent pursuit, because you are "alive" in the market, and because you are strong, the road is ahead. Don't easily stop walking.
natural gas


Operation suggestions

1、2.9400Short nearby, stop loss3.0500, Objective2.8200Below.

2、2.8200不破进多,止损2.7900, Objective2.8800frontline.

crude oil


亚盘油价在42.26-42.6区间震荡,欧盘从42.26一路上涨最高到达42.9美盘回落到42.63后一路暴涨到43.29受上方压力,午夜最低回落到42.69,昨名慧42.3附近的多单也是收获0.5dollar,43的空也是收获0.5美金,多空双双丰收,从日线看,日线收阳,而且从昨日油价来看,低点在上移动,高位在上涨,油价想涨但目前上方压力压制,空头趋势比较强,想涨上去还需要一定的时间,从四小时图看,布林口张口向外向下,K线运行于布林中轨与下轨间,MACD金叉初步形成,红色能量柱初现,说明油价目前有上涨的趋势,名慧认为上涨只是为了更多的做空故日内建议高空为主,上方关注43.2Follow Below42

Crude Oil Strategy

1、43.1-43.3Empty, stop loss0.4, Objective42.2-42破位持有

2、42-42.2Multiple, stop loss0.4, Objective42.8-43

3、42.6附近轻仓多,Stop loss0.4,target43.0-43.2


白银从日线图来看,连续两日金针探底,收十字星,并且两次测试15.65-16.14的上升趋势线不破,正式筑底,今日延续昨日走势,强势拉升,从4小时图来看,下降趋势线已经被突破,底部收光头阳线,组成看涨的启明星的K线形态,一路大阳线拉升,多头力量持续加强;从一小时图来看,前期的下降趋势线已经被突破,底部测试的16.3一线,企稳直线拉升,早盘延续美盘走势,一路阳线走高,早盘打破16.5一线强压位,空头趋势正式被打破,多头趋势正式形成,等待回踩可以入场多单,日内上方关注16.8First line pressure level, follow below16.3一线支撑位,日内操作回落逢低多。

Operation suggestions

1、16.4附近做多,止损于16.2, Objective16.8


现货黄金从日线图来看,目前价格位于1243-1248的上升趋势线上,昨日第一次触及此趋势线受支撑,小幅反弹,收十字星,有变盘的需要,从大级别来看,低点1240-1251, high point1256-1295,低点在抬升,高点在创新高的上升趋势不变,今日早间黄金突然反弹,目前收线一根阳柱,但后市情况依旧不容乐观,图上看,大趋势还是会继续跌落;从4小时图来看,昨日下跌在1241一线受支撑,收大阳线,早盘延续美盘走势,继续一路小幅走高,反弹力量很强,收线几根小阳柱,多空将再次博弈;从一小时图来看,上涨趋势线已是一路高歌,目前已破位1250,布林线上轨明显上扬,而下轨明显下降,多空届时将再次争斗。日内上方关注1255-1260一线压力位,下方关注第一支撑位1240一线,关键支撑在1238-1235一线,日内操作思路还是反弹做空为主。


1.反弹初见1254-1255Void1258.8, Objective1248-1245;

2.下方初见1245-1246Loss1242, Objective1252-1258。

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