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Minghui Pinjin:6.20Analysis and operation suggestions for the natural gas, crude oil, and gold market

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The trading market is a market full of opportunities and risks, often appearing as a quick money making opportunity, but in fact, it is a breeding ground for risk. Don't always think about speculation; The best way to avoid investment pitfalls is to adjust one's investment attitude and improve one's order making skills. If some investors need high emotional intelligence, then all investors can balance their attitudes and control their personalities through self psychological adjustment, effectively eliminating various subjective errors beyond rationality and delaying opportunities to make money.

natural gas

天然气昨日低开低走,四小时跌破前期支撑位2.93一线支撑,今日在操作建议反弹高空思路,参考做空点位昨日支撑位2.93Short selling nearby.

Operational strategy

1、2.93-2.94Short nearby, stop loss0.02, Objective2.89


crude oil


技术面,从日线上看,昨日收阴,布林带开口整体下行,K线位于布林下轨附近,MA5AndMA10Dead fork operation,MACD双线交死叉下行,绿色动能柱放量;4小时看,布林带张口,K线位于布林中下轨之间,MACDRed kinetic energy column shrinkage,KDJ三线拐头向下;综上,名慧分析油价大方向仍以空头对待,但上方反弹动力充足,继续关注上方45-45.2一线阻力,操作上反弹高空为主。

Operational strategy

1Crude oil44.70-75Void45.20Frontline, target oriented44-43.80



Operational strategy

1、1242-1241分批做多,统一止损1238, look at the goal1250下方离场!


白银:目前技术面来看,白银上周日线上收4阴一阳,下行趋势整体走得还算明朗,目前布林带开口向外扩张,MA5Under the moving averageMA10继续死叉下行,MACD死叉放量绿色动能逐步增强,KDJ三线死叉向下发散,空头趋势占强;4小时图上,布林带开口下行,目前K线在运行于布林中下轨之间受MA10均线压制明显,MA5均线继续呈现死叉下行之态,MACD快慢线粘合运行指标中性,KDJ三线粘合有向下发散之势,行情短线偏弱震荡格局。综合来看,白银受鹰派加息打压下行,本周银价走势将重点关注美联储高官的讲话,届时将带给白银走势较大影响。建议反弹做空即可

Operational strategy

1Suggest using16.60-16.65Consider short selling and stop losing near the US dollar0.03Points, target16.55-16.40Near the US dollar;

2Suggest using16.30-16.35Consider going long near the US dollar and stopping losses0.03Points, target16.40-16.60Around the US dollar.

Focus on current events in order to better grasp the economic arteries. The process of valuing game profits places more emphasis on technical transcendence. Good tea is not afraid of fine tasting, good deeds are not afraid of detailed discussion, live fish will go against the current, and dead fish will go with the flow. If you are interested in investing in (crude oil, silver, natural gas) but have no way to start, or if you have been struggling in the investment market for a long time, you can find the renowned Huipinjin teacher (Weixin:hh656520)Let's have a knee to knee conversation and engage in night talk trading to gain enlightenment. Professionalism achieves quality, while strength builds reputation.
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