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Minghui Pinjin:6.19Analysis and suggestions for spot natural gas, crude oil, silver, and gold!

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Attitude determines hardship and joy, concept determines success and failure, and the simpler a person is, the more peaceful their trading becomes. Many times, you would rather be killed in battle against the tide than reflect on yourself. A drop of ink can stain a glass of water, but it is difficult to muddy a river because a generous heart can accommodate it;One sentence can ruin a temporary mood, but it is difficult to determine a person's life, because fate is in one's own hands;An accident can make your footsteps heavy and difficult to erode your persistent pursuit, because you are "alive" in the market, and because you are strong, the road is ahead. Don't easily stop walking.

natural gas

天然气日线行情走势图来看,5Daily moving average10日均线拐头趋势方向向上,K线形态位于布林带中下轨,且位于5日均线上方,从MACD行情指标来看,DIFLine andDEA线形成金叉,快慢线趋势方向向上,底部绿色看量能缩量变为红色量能,从四小时图来看,天然气近期连续下跌,空头力量强势,但周四EIA数据利多,天然气强势上涨120个点,多头表现给力,周五则整体在3.060的位置盘整;技术面上,MA5Upper dressingMA10形成金叉,下方支撑看生命线2.93,操作上建议回撤做多。上方关注3.156-3.133区间的压制。

Operational strategy

1Suggest using2.93Long, stop loss2.900, Objective3.080。


白银周线图上来看,K线上周收取了一根上影线的实体阴柱,K线价格运行在布林中轨与下轨之间,布林带走平,日线图上来看,K线昨日收取了一根上影线的小阴柱,K线价格受到上方5The suppression of the daily moving average,MACD指标处于下方,快慢线交叉向下运行,绿色动能放量,KDJThe indicator runs downwards,CCI指标向上延伸,综合来看,后期行情反弹做空为主!

Operational strategy

1、16.95Short selling nearby, looking at the target16.55-16.50Stop loss17.15

2、16.40Going long nearby, looking at the target16.60-16.65Stop loss16.25


周五金价开盘于1253一线,小幅下跌至1251开始反弹,日内多次触碰1257关键阻力却都未破,最终收盘于1253.5附近。从周线上来看周线连续录得两根实体大阴柱说明了六月开始的近两周黄金一个持续走低的趋势,K线运行在布林中轨上方,MACD向上持平运行,红色能量柱缩量,目前周线上涨的趋势暂缓,从日线上看,日线收取三连阴,布林带开口运行,K线运行于布林中轨下方,MA5AndMA10Dead fork operation,MACD死叉运行,绿色动能柱放量,KDJ三线拐头向下,从四小时看,布林带张口运行,k线运行于布林下轨上方,MA5AndMA10Dead fork down,MACD低位运行,绿色能量柱缩量,KDJ三线粘合运行,整体空头动能在减弱。下方关注1251的破位情况,上方关注1260Resistance.

Operational strategy

1Bounce to1257附近可尝性做空,止损1260Target sees1252Near.

2, fall back to1250Long nearby, stop loss4Points, target sees1258

crude oil

上周原油最高46.65, minimum44.2,波动近2.5美金。本周从周一到周五依旧延续震荡下行趋势,连续四周收阴线,从52Fall through50关口之后便持续下跌,一直到本周连续失守46、45美元大关,退守44,基本面上从延长减产协议开始大跌,后陆续震荡跌,到近两次EIA数据冲击两次都断崖式下跌,毫无翻身机会。

周五原油开盘于44.2一线,行情整体波动不大,在长时间的震荡不跌的情况下,油价至44.24Bounce to44.94后回落盘整,最终收盘于44.68一线,目前从周线看,周线连续四连阴,布林带张口运行,K线运行在布林下轨上方,MACD死叉向下,绿色能量柱放量,对于目前原油的走势仍旧是空头占据主导地位,日线上看,周五结束三连阴,收阳,布林带张口运行,K线位于布林下轨上方,MA5AndMA10Dead fork down,MACD死叉运行,绿色动能柱放量,4小时图看,布林带张口运行,K线位于布林中轨下方,MA5AndMA10拐头向上有金叉之势,MACD粘合运行,红色动能柱放量,KDJ三线拐头向上,综合来看,短线趋势仍然是偏向空头,Follow Above45Pressure, following below44Support.

Operational strategy

1Suggestions44一线多,单子止损43.6, Objective44.8-45;

2Suggestions45美元受阻开空,单子止损45.40, Objective44,43.5;

Focus on current events in order to better grasp the economic arteries. The process of valuing game profits places more emphasis on technical transcendence. Good tea is not afraid of fine tasting, good deeds are not afraid of detailed discussion, live fish will go against the current, and dead fish will go with the flow. If you are interested in investing in (crude oil, silver, natural gas) but have no way to start, or if you have been struggling in the investment market for a long time, you can find the renowned Huipinjin teacher (Weixin:hh656520)Let's have a knee to knee conversation and engage in night talk trading to gain enlightenment. Professionalism achieves quality, while strength builds reputation.

Today's key focus on financial data and events2017year6month19day Monday
① 17:00 英国与欧盟展开的脱欧谈判将开启
② 19:45 纽约联储主席杜德利与当地企业领袖参加圆桌会议
③ The next day00:00 欧盟首席脱欧谈判官巴尼耶与英国脱欧大臣戴维斯举行新闻发布会

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