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Xin Ge Ba Jin:6 . 8静心观水流,冷眼看世态,解你心中套

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Observing the flow of water with a calm mind and observing the world with a cold eye, investing is not a stagnant pool. Occasionally, there may be some ups and downs, and along the way, there will be scenery and songs. The market is like this, constantly delivering gifts to your hands, and whether you accept them or not is up to you. Of course, opportunities do not come by waiting. If you always wait for opportunities, you will lose them.
Xin Ge Ba Jin:6 . 8静心观水流,冷眼看世态,解你心中套295 / author:Xin Ge Ba Jin / PostsID:650174

  1Mildly trapped investors can use the rebound market to unwind and exit, or reduce their positions when the market rises;

  2Investors who hold onto high positions can also take the initiative in psychological and financial aspects in the next wave of the market by reducing their positions at high points.

  1If the purchased currency is at a high level when trapped, it must immediately stop losing.

  2If the currency being purchased is in the middle position, one can temporarily wait and see based on the situation at the time, in order to unwind and leave the market or reduce losses by reducing positions at high points.



  2If the currency being purchased is in a balanced and volatile trend, there is no need to immediately stop losing. Be patient and wait for the currency to enter a high level of the volatility cycle. Once the situation is resolved or the loss is minimal, you should decisively exit the market.


In my experience, when it comes to reducing or closing positions after being trapped, investors must be decisive in their actions, especially in a downward trend. Many investors have this kind of operational experience. After being trapped, they hope to get rid of it every day. Finally, when they get rid of it one day, they become unwilling: I have been holding it for so many days, how can I still make some money. As a result, the best opportunity to close the position was missed, and when the market entered a downturn again, it was once again trapped. In the end, he was completely hopeless, lost confidence, and cut out. This is the most taboo in a downward trend.




Xin Ge Ba Jin:6 . 8静心观水流,冷眼看世态,解你心中套471 / author:Xin Ge Ba Jin / PostsID:650174


  本人鑫哥专注市场动态,对crude oil及白银、gold还有天然气等有深入的研究,如果你做单不顺或投资经常资金缩水,那么你可以私聊鑫哥。我会尽我所能用我多年的研究经验,带领大家走在市场前端,给大家帮助。

   writing/Xin Ge Ba Jinv/xgbj90/buckle1307944877

   In the investment market, there is a saying that history will not simply repeat itself, but it is always astonishingly similar
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