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鑫哥霸金:6 . 7静等英国大选的到来  EIA晚间怎么看呢?

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  2、6month8日英国大选,继续留意民调和基本面消息,大选结果最高可能于北京时间6month9Early morning of5点左右出炉,最晚估计在6month9day11:00左右出炉。



--EIAMessage surface
  周三凌晨04:30,美国石油协会(API)AnnouncedAPI库存数据。数据显示,截至6month7Current week in the United Statescrude oilInventory reduction462万桶,超过预期的减少344.7Ten thousand barrels, the previous value is a decrease867Ten thousand barrels.API公布前,油价维持涨势,美油涨逾2%,而数据公布后,由于汽油库存和精炼油库存意外大增,油价短线急挫,涨幅大幅缩窄,美油涨幅收窄至1.3%。


  而目前关于中东多国与卡塔尔断交引发市场对减产协议的担忧已经减弱。俄罗斯能源部长诺瓦克周二称,虽然沙特、卡塔尔等部分波斯湾国家最近出现外交争端,但OPECWith Russia and other nonOPEC产油国的减产协议“应该继续执行,什么都不能伤害它”。


  周二原油亚盘受“卡塔尔”事件的影响短线冲高至日内新高48.42一线,日内的大幅度跳水跌破47美元关口主要还是因为“卡塔尔”事件的消化以及市场对OPEC减产的质疑。亚盘受消息面的刺激短线拉升回落,上方受布林带中轨48.5One area is suppressed, and the lower part is affected by47.5一线支撑。而目前油价运行在48美元关口上方,近两日油价多次跌破47关口止跌反弹,可见下方支撑比较强势,从目前的形式来看油价呈现反弹迹象,但鑫哥认为上涨动力不足。故原油日内操作建议反弹做空为主,短线多单为辅!

  策略一:行情回调至47.8Long nearby, stop loss0.40USD, target48.40-48.60;

  策略二:行情反弹至48.40Short nearby, stop loss0.40USD, target47.6-47.40.



  1.1290Long nearby, stop loss1286, Objective1300;

  2.Above not broken1295Empty order entry, stop loss4USD, target1285Near.



As the old saying goes, "There is a sequence of hearing and learning, and there is a specialization in one's profession." "Do not borrow money to invest, do not borrow money to invest, and investment can never affect normal family life." This is a sentence I often say to my clients. Watching the market is the responsibility of analysts, and everyone only needs to check the news notifications for entry and exit. Don't be anxious and lose money everywhere,v:xgbj90I believe everyone understands the truth, but it's just being content with the status quo. A small loss thinks it can be earned back, saying: Yao 307, wine 44877, a big loss thinks that others are all fools, constantly making choices and ultimately losing the choice; I'm really sad. There are too many salespeople in the market who always say they can help you make money, and what they say sounds better than what they sing. I also hate you and don't know how to choose. I'm an analyst, not a relationship expert, and I keep following others while shouting the right orders for you every day. Wait? There is only one outcome to wait for, which is to continue losing until you have no value for that side, or to ask you to add money to continue losing. Unfortunately, many people actually eat this trick, draw a big cake, and ask everyone to buy a big spoon, without even thinking about it, and even if they can't even eat the meat in front of them, they want to snatch it from afar.

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