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International news surface
U.S.A5monthADPIncrease in employment25.3万,远高于预期值和前值。虽然ADP报告给美联储加息打了一支“强心剂”,但随后公布的另一劳动力市场状况指标——初请失业金人数却表现不佳。美国至5month27Record of initial claims for unemployment benefits for the current week24.8万人,高于预期值,结束此前连续四周下滑的趋势。
从近期公布的美国数据和美联储官员讲话来看,市场对美联储6月升息的预期依然很高,若此次非农就业报告,特别是平均时薪年率表现靓丽,将大幅提升市场对美联储6Expectations for monthly interest rate hikes.
何以金潇:收获初请、小非农,坐等大非农,6.2金银油布局策略806 / author:Why Jin Xiao / PostsID:635607

Thursday Beijing time(6month1日)晚间美国能源信息署(EIA)公布数据显示,美国5month26Day and WeekEIAcrude oil库存减少逾640万桶。数据公布后,油价短线下探,下跌约0.2美元后急升约0.4美元。数据上,EIA库存报告利多为主,油价先抑后扬。受美国原油出口升至纪录高位带动,EIA原油库存延续并扩大前周降幅,减少约640万桶,录得连续8周下滑。另外汽油库存也录得下滑,并超过预期,说明随着夏季驾驶出行季的到来,美国国内对成品汽油的需求增加,这对削减汽油及原油库存来说是一个积极的信号。
Why Jin Xiao:goldquotations analysis
黄金目前处于反弹高空之中,出现在价格连续下跌之后,黄金已两次探底,依然未能突破1260,下方强力支撑,从日线上看,日线收阴线,布林带张口运行,k线运行于布林带中轨上方,红色动能柱放量,呈多头趋势。短线有下跌趋势,操作建议以低位做多为主高空为辅。目前小幅震荡,最近的走势更多的是为迎接大非农的趋势,黄金上方压力在1270-1272Nearby, supported below1260-1262frontline.
6.2Gold operation suggestions
1、1267Short nearby, stop loss1270, Objective1260
2、1259不破轻仓做多,止损1255, Objective1265Nearby;
何以金潇:收获初请、小非农,坐等大非农,6.2金银油布局策略564 / author:Why Jin Xiao / PostsID:635607

Why Jin Xiao: Analysis of Crude Oil Market
原油从昨天晚间公布的EIA库存数据大幅利多行情,先涨,后回落,又极速反转,瞬间冲上49。日线以小十字收线,均线系统全部破位,下方已无阻力,上方受阻于20Daily moving average,BOLL通道向下运行,价格处在中轨附近位置.整体来看空头趋势很强势,下方还有一定的空间。今日我们关注上方49.3One line of resistance, pay attention below48.1支撑,操作上的建议是高空思路。
6.2Crude oil operation suggestions
1、48.6Short selling, stop loss49.1, look at the goal48, break through and continue to watch47.5
2、47.5--47.7Multiple, stop loss47, Objective48.2, take a break to see49
Why Jin Xiao: Analysis of Silver Market
昨日白银和黄金同步,先跌后涨,大有在高位形成黄昏星之势。4小时线上,白银的高点在逐渐的下移,低点没有明显的抬高和下行,就形态来看形成一个下降的三角形,若后市不破前高的话,那么最终会逼迫白银下行,目前白银最低跌至17,白银上方压力在17.4, supported below17一线,操作上建议空为主。
何以金潇:收获初请、小非农,坐等大非农,6.2金银油布局策略520 / author:Why Jin Xiao / PostsID:635607

6.2Silver Operation Suggestions
1、17.3Empty, stop loss17.5, Objective17
This article is written by independent author He Yijin Xiao (WeChat:Ann456000)Written by, the verbal suggestions of official account "Why Jinxiao" only represent personal views, and are only for reference. The market is changeable, so be careful! Please indicate the source of the reprinted article. The article has lag, and if you are unsure of the market situation, please follow me at any time.

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