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Minghui Pinjin:6.2现货天然气,原油,白银非农行析及策略!

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Attitude determines hardship and joy, concept determines success and failure, and the simpler a person is, the more peaceful their trading becomes. Many times, you would rather be killed in battle against the tide than reflect on yourself. A drop of ink can stain a glass of water, but it is difficult to muddy a river because a generous heart can accommodate it;One sentence can ruin a temporary mood, but it is difficult to determine a person's life, because fate is in one's own hands;An accident can make your footsteps heavy and difficult to erode your persistent pursuit, because you are "alive" in the market, and because you are strong, the road is ahead. Don't easily stop walking.

natural gas



crude oil

昨原油欧盘从49.07depreciate to48.19,EIA数据利多促使油价短暂涨幅到49.15后于午夜暴跌到47.92,数据利多但最终得回到技术面,原油从日线看,昨日线收阴,MA5AndMA10.MA20死叉下,MACD死叉向下,绿色能量柱放量,从四小时图看,布林布开口向下,K线运行于布林下轨上方,MACD粘合运行,绿色能量柱弱势,日内名慧建议高空为主,上方关注49.2-49-48.8,Follow Below47-47.4

Crude Oil Strategy

1、49.0-49.2Empty, stop loss0.4, Objective48.4-48.0

2First sight47.0-47.2Multiple, stop loss0.4, Objective47.8-48.2

3、强破47Empty, stop loss0.4, Objective46.5-46

4Radical48.1-48.3轻仓空,Stop loss48.8,target47.4-47.4




银价跌向16.9-17.18美元逢低做多,止损设16.5Below the US dollar, look at the target17.33-17.38美元,激进者看17.48Above the US dollar.

Today's key focus on financial data and events2017year6month1day Thursday
① 09:45 China5Yuecai New Manufacturing IndustryPMIFinal value
② 14:00 britain5monthNationwideMonthly rate of housing price index
③ 15:15 Switzerland4Monthly actual retail sales annual rate
④ 15:50 France5Monthly manufacturing industryPMIFinal value
⑤ 15:55 Germany5Monthly manufacturing industryPMIFinal value
⑥ 16:00 eurozone5Monthly manufacturing industryPMIFinal value
⑦ 16:30 britain5Monthly manufacturing industryPMI
⑧ 19:30 U.S.A5Monthly Challenger Enterprise layoffs
⑨ 20:00 美联储理事鲍威尔在纽约经济俱乐部发表讲话
10 20:15 U.S.A5monthADPEmployment numbers
⑪ 20:30 From the United States to5month27Number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the current week
⑫ 21:45 U.S.A5monthMarkitmanufacturingPMIFinal value
⑬ 22:00 U.S.A5monthISMmanufacturingPMI, USA4Monthly construction expenditure monthly rate
⑭ 22:30 From the United States to5month26Day and WeekEIANatural gas inventory
⑮ 23:00 From the United States to5month26Day and WeekEIACrude oil inventory

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