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Ding Wanting:EIAdata-Spot crude oil,沥青投资者能赚钱吗?

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 Ding Wanting:EIAdata-goods in stockcrude oil,沥青投资者能赚钱吗?

this morning6At o'clock, I received several phone calls from investors who told me that their teacher had them go in the opposite direction last night, causing serious losses and hedging, which made me very uncomfortable. I carefully recorded their situation and provided a plan for understanding the order, At the same time, he also fell into deep contemplation.


在近期的沥青行情中,不少投资者都被行情来回洗礼,尤其经历了EIAdata7After the second reversal, people's fragile hearts were severely hit again?So why is the market interpreted in this way?Is it due to market factors or are we investors having problems ourselves?How can we solve this situation?Follow Wei, Xinzyt433咱们具体的解析。



② Oil price3At the beginning of the month3The volatile market has been maintained in mid month, and the alternation of daily yin and yang has made the market lose its judgment of direction in the short term. When there is a short-term increase in oil prices/下跌破位时,更多判断认为趋势已然发生了改变,所以放松了警惕心,而当价格再度下跌时,又害怕再度趋势发生改变。





2Why can't we grasp the precise and accurate position? Orders always develop in the direction after stopping losses?

3Why haven't you accepted it yet(find)Professional analysis guidance teacher?

判断不了拐点行情,首先是因为趋势判断的不够精准,没有通过宏观角度去分析,使得短线受行情波动影响较大,同时也忽视了市场心理学对我们参考趋势的重要性;Unable to grasp the precise point is because the technical indicators in the analysis panel are not fully operational, relying too much on a single technical indicator, or simply not understanding it at all.3As for why you haven't accepted it yet(find)好的分析老师,更多原因是因为你没有给自己了解我们以及我们了解你的机会。这一点可以添加我的薇,信ztr433,咱们可以好好沟通。

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I am Zhou Yiting, a senior financial analyst who specializes in providing guidance on spot gold, silver, asphalt, and crude oil. For investment friends who need assistance, please contact meQQ3254331091, WeChatzyt433.
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