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又到了周末,转眼到了年底进入12月,剩下不到两个月就是春节,年初吹过的牛都实现了吗?股市讲赛道,金市讲时机。最新数据显示央行时隔半年首次增持gold, China11Month end gold reserves7,296万盎司,10At the end of the month7,280万盎司,增持16万盎司。可以关注一下央行每次增持的时机,特别对于中长线,具有一定的指导意义,可以作为参考。
——Text/Wan Jinsheng/Work duplicate sign/Wanjinsheng Gold (guidance:848331077orWJSGOLD), Please indicate the source for reprinting, investment is risky, and you should be cautious when entering the market!