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Da Tian Global: Suggestions for Spot Gold Operations2024-04-16

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  goods in stockgoldOverview of the current market situation:

Yesterday morning during the Asian session, the gold price was2356附近位置开盘,白天亚欧盘时段价格整体保持在2345-2365区间内进行宽幅震荡整理,晚间美盘时段金价在急速下探2324一线位置确认支撑后开启持续反弹,截至目前整体已经重新回到2380-2390区间内进行交投。

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Da Tian Global: Suggestions for Spot Gold Operations2024-04-1685 / author:language / PostsID:1728116

  Datian Global Spot Gold Reference News:U.S.A3月零售销售增幅超预期,因在线零售商收入激增,这进一步证明经济在第一季度结束时稳健增长。美国商务部周一发布的这份报告,加之本月稍早公布3月就业强劲增长和消费者通胀回升的数据,增强了人们对美联储可能推迟到9月降息的预期。一些经济学家认为,今年降息的窗口正在关闭。零售销售强劲增长促使高盛经济学家将第一季度国内生产总值(GDP)环比增长年率预期从2.5%Up to3.1%。去年第四季度环比增长年率为3.4%。

  Today's spot gold market follows:

Eurozone2Monthly adjusted trade account(100 million euros);

Eurozone4monthZEWEconomic Sentiment Index;

United States3Initial monthly construction permit rate(%);

United States3Monthly annualized rate of new housing starts(%);






From spot gold4小时图看,尽管上周末休市前金价出现较大幅度的回落过程,但经过昨日的一轮反弹后,目前整体已经基本将回落幅度收回,不过目前MACD指标双线仍未明确发出金叉变盘信号,暗示短时间内趋势方向仍有发生转变的风险,建议白天可以先留意2380-2390区间,可以以后市突破方向为趋势方向的参考信号。



  Suggestions for today's spot gold market operation:

  2388-2390Look at the range, target2380-2382, Risk control3USD.

  2380-2382From the perspective of range, target2388-2390, Risk control3USD.

Upper laceration2392Look up, goal2398-2400, Risk control3USD.

Downburst2378Look down, goal2370-2372, Risk control3USD.

  2398-2400Look at the range, target2390-2392, Risk control3USD.

  2370-2372From the perspective of range, target2378-2380, Risk control3USD.

Upper laceration2402Look up, goal2408-2410, Risk control3USD.

Downburst2368Look down, goal2360-2362, Risk control3USD.

The two goals are to stop the profit step by step and increase the profit.

  Da Tian Global Warm Reminder:Strategic recommendations are for reference only, there are risks involved in entering the market, and investment needs to be cautious.

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