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CPT MarketsGold prices hit a new high due to expected Fed rate cuts! Increasing Oil Production in the United States...

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CPT MarketsGold prices hit a new high due to expected Fed rate cuts! Increasing Oil Production in the United States...889 / author:CPT / PostsID:1728014


CPT MarketsGold prices hit a new high due to expected Fed rate cuts! Increasing Oil Production in the United States...183 / author:CPT / PostsID:1728014

由于预期联准会 (Fed) Will be on 2024 年下半年转向,中东地缘政治局势持续紧张以及对中国经济复苏的希望,黄金吸引了一些买家。联准会主席鲍威尔周五表示,近期美国通膨数据 “符合我们希望看到的情况”,并保持了联准会今年降息的基准不变。
Resistance level: 2259.62 support level:2117.67。

crude oilPrice difference contract(WTI):

CPT MarketsGold prices hit a new high due to expected Fed rate cuts! Increasing Oil Production in the United States...956 / author:CPT / PostsID:1728014


Resistance level: 83.06 support level:81.49。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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