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CPT MarketsExpectations of interest rate cuts and support from safe haven buying have helped gold prices soar! American economy...

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CPT MarketsExpectations of interest rate cuts and support from safe haven buying have helped gold prices soar! American economy...455 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727999


CPT MarketsExpectations of interest rate cuts and support from safe haven buying have helped gold prices soar! American economy...601 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727999

Gold spot prices rose on Thursday1.74%, reaching per ounce2232.78美元,盘中更创下2236.05The historical high of the US dollar.3月份黄金价格上涨9%, from2020year7月以来的最佳月度表现且连续第二个季度实现上涨。对此,CPT Markets分析师指出,由于交易商在假期前调整其头寸,在月末和季末临近之际增加交易活动,无疑提振了金价。然而,推升金价走扬的第二因素为全球地缘政治局势仍紧张,促使市场将购买黄金之举视为一种中性的储备资产。展望未来,若市场开始预期美联储将在降息周期中实施更大幅度的降息,那么金价可能会进一步攀升,并有潜力维持在当前的高位水平。

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CPT MarketsExpectations of interest rate cuts and support from safe haven buying have helped gold prices soar! American economy...137 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727999


根据最新数据显示,美国第四季度经济增长率上修3.4%,远超出市场预期,反映出内需强劲和超出预期的经济韧性,持续于发达国家中保持领先地位。在美国经济活动中占比超过三分之二的消费者支出以3.3%的增速扩张,为GDPGrowth contributed2.2个百分点;关注美国劳工部另一份报告,截至3month23日当周,首次申请失业救济金的人数经季节性因素调整后减少2,000People, to21万人;密歇根大学的消费者信心指数上升至2021year7The highest level since the beginning of the month79.4Beyond expectations76.5; stay1Recorded in months-4.7%的暴跌后,2月份的待售房屋销售出现复苏,环比增长1.6%Higher than market expectations1.5%;在非金融企业的带动下,上一季度企业利润实现稳健增长,加上员工生产力提升,促使企业保留员工,从而延长经济扩张周期。综上所述,美国经济已摆脱了衰退的忧虑,尽管增长动力有所减缓,但其增速仍然超越了全球其他发达国家,换句话说,与疫情期间及受疫情影响的阶段相比,经济运行更趋稳定。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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