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Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: The US dollar is weak, and the pound is appreciating against the trend

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Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: The US dollar is weak, and the pound is appreciating against the trend370 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727936

todayUltimaMarkets Bringing you 2024year 3month 21日的英镑兑美元In depth analysis.

Fundamental points
  • 美联储鸽派:美联储最新利率无变化,但是因美联储利率决议发布后降息押注再度升温,美元指数加速下挫。
  • 英央行决议看点: In2月的会议上,英国央行的政策委员会出现了意见分歧,这是自2008年以来首次在同一次会议上出现主张加息和主张降息的委员。这种分歧可能会在今晚的决议中再次显现,从而影响市场对英国央行未来政策走向的预期。

technical analysis
Daily chart analysis
Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: The US dollar is weak, and the pound is appreciating against the trend307 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727936
(英镑兑美元的日线图,来源Ultima Markets MT4)

  • Random oscillation index:昨日指标再50中位线下方发出多头信号,暗示场外多头涌入推高行情上涨,短期值得关注做多交易机会。
  • bareKstructure:本周连续两日在短期均线组(33Rihe65日均线)受阻,随后蜡烛线收出两根双针底的裸K形态,暗示空头力竭多头正在发力。
  • Alternative trend line:昨日汇价强势上涨突破了另类趋势线,今日行情若出现回调趋势则可以关注另类趋势线的支撑效果。

1Hour chart analysis
Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: The US dollar is weak, and the pound is appreciating against the trend341 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727936
(英镑兑美元的1Hour chart, sourceUltima Markets MT4)

  • Random oscillation index:指标超买区域有纠缠震荡迹象,或将发出空头信号,暗示英镑兑美元短期存在调整压力。
  • 上涨目标位:汇价在连续突破200Periodic moving averages and1.618斐波那契扩展位后,上方目标看向2倍斐波那契扩展位和关键的多空转换价位附近。

Trading CentralHub Line Indicators
Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: The US dollar is weak, and the pound is appreciating against the trend737 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727936
(英镑兑美元的30Minute chart, sourceUltima Markets APP)

  • according toUltima Markets APPInTradingCentralHub line indicators, central price range for the day1.2750,
  • 1.2750Upward bullish, first goal1.2815Second objective1.2840
  • 1.2750Under bearish, first target1.2725Second objective1.2705

The comments, news, research, analysis, pricing, and other information contained in this article can only be considered as general market information and are provided solely to assist readers in understanding the market situation and do not constitute investment advice.Ultima MarketsReasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data, but the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed and can be changed at any time without notice.UltimaMarketsWe will not be responsible for any losses or losses (including but not limited to any loss of profits) that may arise from the direct or indirect use or reliance on such information.

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