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CPT MarketsWhat is the impact of the Federal Reserve's inflation commitment on the stability of gold prices? Focus this week...

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CPT MarketsWhat is the impact of the Federal Reserve's inflation commitment on the stability of gold prices? Focus this week...764 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727904

gold/dollar (XAUUSD):

CPT MarketsWhat is the impact of the Federal Reserve's inflation commitment on the stability of gold prices? Focus this week...466 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727904

黄金兑美元上周五收盘大幅冲高后,今日开盘涨至2177.36附近,目前,面临来自美元走强和债券收益率上升的基本面阻力,黄金价格尚未做出有意义的反应。 下周美联储所发出的信号将对方向性风险产生至关重要的影响。
黄金上周五曾因美元走软和美债收益率下降而飙升至创纪录高点,但此后随着美国CPIandPPI数据高于预期,市场在联邦储备下周FOMC会议前削减了今年降息预期,黄金 的上涨风潮已逆转。观察黄金与美债收益率和美元在过去一个月日线图上的滚动相关性,很明显最强的关系是与美元指数的负相关性为-0.88。 在同一时间范围内,与美国10年期收益率的关系也有相当明显的负相关性为-0.73。与短期美国收益率和crude oil的关系远没有那么强。然而,黄金仍然表现强势。随着美元指数和美国长期国债收益率上升,黄金的上行动力暂时停滞并不足为奇。但考虑到这些波动的规模,黄金尚未受到过多打击,尤其是考虑到其在各种动量指标上已经超买。
总而言之,在美联储即将召开会议之际,可能预示着未来几天价格在2146USD to2195美元之间的范围内交投。 但根据美联储下周的信号,继续暗示今年将进行三次降息可能会引发一波新的购买潮,推动黄金价格创新高。
Press from above(Upper resistance) 2177.30,2179.60; From the downward direction, the lower support2175.80。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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