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CPT Markets: U.S.AISMPoor performance in the service industry, weak US dollar! Tokyo inflation is higher than...

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CPT Markets: U.S.AISMPoor performance in the service industry, weak US dollar! Tokyo inflation is higher than...609 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727820

Today's Focus
today(03month06day)At the opening of the Asian market, the US, Canada, and Australian currencies fell, while other currencies generally rose; The price of gold has risen, butcrude oilIt is showing a downward trend. foreign exchangeAspect: The US dollar index fell to103.76; EUR/USD up to1.0857; The pound rose against the US dollar to1.2704; The US dollar fell against the Japanese yen to149.98; The US dollar rose against the Canadian dollar to1.3591; The Australian dollar fell against the US dollar to0.6504。 In terms of precious metals:goldRising to USD2128.28。 In terms of crude oil: Brent crude oil fell to81.80

dollar/Cad (USDCAD):

CPT Markets: U.S.AISMPoor performance in the service industry, weak US dollar! Tokyo inflation is higher than...208 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727820

Announced on Tuesday2Monthly CoreCPI同比增幅升至2.6%Higher than expected2.5%。 TokyoCPI报告是日本整体价格趋势的领先指标。 Higher than expectedCPI可能会促使日本央行更快地重新考虑退出负利率,有利于日元。 日本央行董事会中的一些人似乎渴望本月尽快采取行动,但行长植田和男上周晚些时候发表讲话时似乎更加谨慎,暗示放弃负利率的时间可能是在4月工资谈判结束之后。 在周二的欧洲早盘时段,日本内阁官房副长官 村井英树 表示,经济和工资前景的改善是显而易见的。 日本央行一直在推迟退出鸽派政策立场的计划,因为决策者不太相信薪资成长的强劲程度足以使通膨率持续保持在2%的目标之上。 由于日本政府预期薪资成长前景稳定,市场对日本央行转向政策正常化的信心正在增强。
In terms of yesterday's financial event data, the US Department of Commerce announced1月耐用品订单月率比预期下跌至-6.2%,反映出市场对不易耗损的物品订购数量下降,而工业订单月率也大幅低于预期至-3.6 %,该数据下降表示制造业情况有所萎缩。 此外,美国供应商管理协会ISMpublish2Monthly non manufacturing industryPMIDown to52.6,显示出服务业活动有所下降。 在通胀数据方面,日本总务省旗下统计局公布2月东京CPI年月率上升至2.6%and0.1%,受气候和季节因素影响较大的生鲜食品价格剔除后核心年率如预期在2.5%, 而剔除生鲜食品和能源后的核心CPI年率则在3.1%。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 149.90,150.20; From the downward direction, the lower support149.50。

euro/pound (EURGBP):

CPT Markets: U.S.AISMPoor performance in the service industry, weak US dollar! Tokyo inflation is higher than...136 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727820

欧元兑英镑周二盘中大幅下跌后,今日开盘盘整在0.8545附近,尽管服务业和综合数据显示欧盟经济正在改善,但下行风险仍然存在。 尽管数据喜忧参半,但欧元仍未能走强,因为交易商正在等待欧洲央行周四的决议。
欧元区公布了服务业和综合PMI指数均普遍上涨。 尽管数据显示欧盟经济正在改善,但仍存在下行风险。 尽管数据褒贬不一,但欧元尚未走强,因为交易商正等待周四欧洲央行的决议。 此外,英国财政大臣 杰里米-亨特 在春季预算中发表讲话,并在周三的预算中将国民保险费削减 2 便士。 除此之外,市场预计英国央行将在8月启动降息,届时通胀率可望恢复2%的目标,然后再次升息。
In terms of yesterday's financial event data, market research institutionsMarkitAnnouncement of the Eurozone2月综合和服务业PMIUp to expectations49.2and50.2,其中德国、法国及西班牙数据皆高于预期;而英国综合和服务业PMI则相对下跌 to53and53.8。 此外,法国国家统计局公布1月工业和制造业产出年月率均震荡下跌,反映出工业和制造业活动增长放缓。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 0.8540,0.8590; From the downward direction, the lower support0.8500。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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