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CPT MarketsIt is difficult to speculate on the trend of the US and Canada, with fluctuations stabilizing and waiting for key indicators! Anglo European...

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CPT MarketsIt is difficult to speculate on the trend of the US and Canada, with fluctuations stabilizing and waiting for key indicators! Anglo European...29 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727804

Today's Focus
today(03month05day)亚市开盘英欧货币上涨,其他货币普遍下跌;金价上涨但crude oilIt is showing a downward trend. foreign exchangeAspect: The US dollar index fell to103.82; EUR/USD up to1.0855; The pound rose against the US dollar to1.2689; The US dollar rose against the Japanese yen to150.52; The US dollar rose against the Canadian dollar to1.3580; The Australian dollar fell against the US dollar to0.6511。 In terms of precious metals:goldRising to USD2117.75。 In terms of crude oil: Brent crude oil fell to82.68。

dollar/Cad (USDCAD):
CPT MarketsIt is difficult to speculate on the trend of the US and Canada, with fluctuations stabilizing and waiting for key indicators! Anglo European...326 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727804

according toCMEFederal Reserve observations indicate that the Federal Reserve3Monthly interest rate maintained at5.25%-5.50%The probability of interval invariance is97.0%Interest rate reduction25The probability of a basis point is3.0%。 reach5The probability of maintaining interest rates unchanged on a monthly basis is78.5%。 reach6Monthly cumulative interest rate reduction25The probability of a basis point is52.7%。在技术分析方面,日线图显示美元/加元处于上升趋势之中,尽管自1月中旬以来美元兑加元汇率涨势艰难。 走势图上正在形成一个上升楔形——这是一个看跌的反转形态,预计目标在1.3366附近的底部附近。 即使价格在短期内能够继续保持在上升楔形内,汇率创下新高,汇率最终可能还是会下跌。 本周初走势可能是逐渐向周五高点回撤。 如果美国数据表现不佳,而加拿大央行没有给出一个温和的会议,那么跌破1.350将是可能的,这将确认看跌楔形形态,并使1.3366附近的低点成为焦点。 如果要让数据显示出清晰的走势,美国和加拿大之间必须出现一个不同主题,美联储继续推迟降息。 如果结果证实ISM制造业数据疲弱,本周美国数据表现不佳,数据将打压美元并拖累美元/加元走低。
In terms of financial event data from yesterday, as of3month1日当周全国经济信心指数低于前期至52.46,反映出该国市场对未来经济前景有所下降。 加元将迎来动荡的一周,本周有多件影响到美元/加元汇率走势的财经事件,其中包含今日美国公布ISMNon manufacturingPMI、周三加拿大央行BOC将会公布利率决定及周五 月度非农就业报告。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 1.3580,1.3620; From the downward direction, the lower support1.3540。

euro/pound (EURGBP):

CPT MarketsIt is difficult to speculate on the trend of the US and Canada, with fluctuations stabilizing and waiting for key indicators! Anglo European...571 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727804

欧元兑英镑周一收盘大幅下跌后,今日开盘盘整在0.8555附近,由于市场仍不确定 英欧央行何时开始降息。
上周五公布的欧元区2月初步通胀数据显示,剔除食品和石油价格等波动性项目的年度核心通胀数据的增速为3.1%Higher than expected2.9%,但这一增速低于1 Of the month3.3%。 月度核心通胀数据在 1 Monthly slowdown 0.9% 之后又上升了 0.7%。 这加深了欧洲央行降息时机的不确定性。 同时,英国经济的通胀率较高,显示英国央行的降息时间将晚于欧洲央行。 英国的通胀率在七国集团经济体G-7中最高,这迫使英国央行决策者在更长的时间内将利率维持在限制性区间。
昨日财经事件数据方面,经济研究机构SentixAnnouncement of the Eurozone3月投资者信心指数比预期上升至-10.5,数据上升表明越来越多的投资者看好欧元区经济发展前景改善,不过整体负成长仍处 悲观态度。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 0.8550,0.8590; From the downward direction, the lower support0.8510。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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