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Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] USD Backward, Precious Metals and Commodities Taking advantage of the Situation to Counterattack

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Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] USD Backward, Precious Metals and Commodities Taking advantage of the Situation to Counterattack240 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727795


ISMnewestPMIAccording to the survey,2月美国制造业已连续第16个月萎缩,且幅度超出预期,为22年来最长的一次收缩周期。 meanwhile,2 月密西根大学消费者信心指数趋弱,当前状况和未来预期都在动摇。

另外,纽约联邦储备银行主席威廉斯表示央行会在今年稍晚降息,而里士曼联邦储备银行主席巴尔金则认为现在就对降息做出假设还为时过早,并指出经济仍然面临价格压力。 芝加哥联邦储备银行行长古尔斯比也担心通胀重燃,尤其是住房方面。

Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] USD Backward, Precious Metals and Commodities Taking advantage of the Situation to Counterattack4 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727795
(Half year chart of the US dollar index)

弱势美元打开贵金属和大宗商品上涨空间。 周五,金价突破每盎司2,080 美元,创历史新高,连续第二周收涨。

Meanwhile,WTI crude oilfutures弹至每桶80 美元左右,攀四个月新高。 油价回血的部分原因是OPEC+延长减产时间的期待,加以中东地缘风险。

to 3 月即将召开的OPEC+ 会议备受关注,预期产油国将继续遵守选择性限产措施,直至 6 月部长级会议,以维持油市稳定。

Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] USD Backward, Precious Metals and Commodities Taking advantage of the Situation to Counterattack299 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727795
(goldAnnual chart)

Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] USD Backward, Precious Metals and Commodities Taking advantage of the Situation to Counterattack206 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727795

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