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Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The New Zealand dollar still has room for appreciation, while the US dollar...

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Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The New Zealand dollar still has room for appreciation, while the US dollar...558 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727740

Last week's review
上周鹰派的美联储会议纪要和强劲的经济数据再一次抑制了短期内降息的预期,市场目前预期美联储降息推延至6月份。利多美元消息频出,但降息预期的推迟已被市场消化。因此在连续跌跌撞撞小幅上涨两周后,上周美元指数最终录得开年来首次周跌。此外,巴以停火协议取得进展,国际crude oil大幅下跌至2400日均线附近,警惕跌破后加速下跌。

Market outlook


Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The New Zealand dollar still has room for appreciation, while the US dollar...991 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727740

美联储重点关注的核心PCE数据将于周四公布。1Monthly CoreCPI通胀保持在3.9%并未进一步降低。核心PCE若同样继续保持高位甚至上涨,则进一步突出美联储保持紧缩政策的重要性,美元或将受到刺激短期升值。

Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The New Zealand dollar still has room for appreciation, while the US dollar...682 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727740

市场同样关注欧元区周五公布的2monthCPI通胀数据。由于2Monthly EurozonePMI初值呈现上涨,经济复苏的迹象。因此若通胀超出市场预期上涨,则在美元短期疲软的背景下,欧元兑美元或将突破当前的震荡区间。

Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The New Zealand dollar still has room for appreciation, while the US dollar...823 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727740

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